Brussels Map



Traveling Solo, Eleanor Berman. Globe Pequot Press (US$18).

Travel Alone & Love It: A Flight Attendant’s Guide to Solo Travel, Sharon B. Wingler. Chi cago Spectrum Press (US$15).


Senior citizens are eligible for discounts on transportation, museums, theaters, restaurants, and accommodations. If you don’t see a senior citizen price listed, ask, and you might be surprised. However, keep in mind that some hostels, partic ularly in Germany, do not allow guests over age 26; so call ahead to check. The fol-lowing books and organizations offer more info for older travelers.

1704 Sarah Kemble Knight makes a six-month business trip from Boston to New York. Brussels Map She goes on horseback and travels alone in the winter, although she is a widow and a mother. Her account of her travels, The Journal of Madame Knight, will be published in 1825. Knight looks after her husband’s estate and becomes a wealthy shopkeeper, which indicates she is an astute businessperson as well as a clever writer of the picaresque genre. Colonial women of this time quite commonly work side by side with their husbands and manage male affairs when the men are away or dead. 1709 Henrietta Johnston becomes Country’s first female commercial artist when she begins drawing portraits for wealthy Charles Town, South Carolina, residents. Perhaps born in France as Henrietta de Beaulieu, her innovative pastel techniques and the high quality of her work allow her to support her family, something her second husband cannot fully accomplish with his ill health and low pay at St. Philip’s Anglican Church. Her skills will become even more important after Reverend Johnston’s drowning in 1716, and she is among the first artists in the world to use pastels.

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