Commonwealth Pet Center US Map & Phone & Address

Commonwealth Pet Center US Map & Phone & Address

362 Boylston St (Rte. 9), Brookline; (617) 232-0067

This is a fun place just to walk around in packed with pets and supplies everywhere you look, as you wind around each nook and cranny of the store’s layout The walls and ceilings have been painted with underwater murals; indeed, the whole interior feels like some deep-sea grotto.

One room is, in fact, filled with fish tanks. New tanks come as a complete one-price package with filter, heater, gravel, pH kit and fluorescent light as well as a gift certificate for fish of $10 to $25, depending on the tank. Further, they offer price breaks whenever you buy fish in multiples of two; the fish are, after all, happier that way. That sums up the style here; service is highly personal for owners and conscientious about the pets. New kittens are discounted in pairs as well.

There are always several unadvertised specials in the store, such as a 50-pound bag of cat litter for $8.99, or an electronic pet feeder (for when you take short trips), marked down from $69.99 to $49.99. Weekly drawings are held for store credit certificates worth up to $100. Commonwealth is open seven days, including weeknights until 8 P.M.

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