Tourist Offices: Wonderful Copenhagen, Bernstorffsg. 1 (70 22 24 42; Head out the main exit of K0benhavn H and go left, past the back entrance to Tivoli. Open May-Aug. M-Sa 9am-8pm, Su 10am-6pm; Sept.-Apr. M-F 9am-4:30pm, Sa 9am-l:30pm. Use It, RSdhusstr. 13 (B33 73 06 20; From the station, follow Vesterbrog. cross Ridhuspl. onto Frederiks bergg. and turn right on Radhusstr. Indispensable info geared toward budget travelers. Pick up a copy of Play Time, a comprehensive budget guide to the city. Provides daytime luggage storage, has free Internet access (20min. max.), finds lodgings, and holds mail. Open mid-June to mid-Sept. daily 9am-7pm; mid-Sept. to mid-June M-W llam-4pm, Th llam-6pm, F llam-2pm. The Copenhagen Card (24hr. card 159kr), sold in hotels, tourist offices, and train stations, grants free admission to most major sights and discounts on others, but is not worth it unless you’re visiting 5 museums or more in one day. The Copenhagen Card Plus (72hr. card 395kr) includes even more museums, provides unlimited bus and train travel in Northern Zealand, and offers discounts on ferries to Sweden, but also requires significant museum-hopping to justify the cost.

Budget Travel: Kilroy Travels, Skinderg. 28 (70 15 40 15). Open M-F 10am-5:30pm, Sa 10am-2pm. Wasteels Rejser, Skoubog. 6 (33 14 46 33). Open M-F 9am-5pm, Sa 10am-2pm.

Embassies and Consulates: Australia, Dampfaergevej 26. 2nd fl. (70 26 36 76). Canada, Kristen Bernikowsg. 1 (33 48 32 00). Ireland, 0sterbaneg. 21 (35 42 32 33; fax 35 43 18 58). New Zealanders should contact their embassy in Brussels (see 123). South Africa, Gammel Vartowej 8 (39 18 01 55; UK, Kastelsvej 36-40 (35 44 52 00). US, Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24 (35 55 31 44;

Currency Exchange: Numerous locations, especially on Straget. 25kr commission standard. Forex, in Kobenhavn H. 20kr commission on cash, lOkr per traveler’s check. Open daily 8am-9pm. The Change Group, 0sterg. 61. 35kr commission minimum. Open May-Sept. M-Sa 8:45am-8pm, Su 10am-6pm; Oct.-Apr. daily 10am-6pm.

Luggage Storage: Free at Use It (above) and most hostels. At Kabenhavn H, 30kr per bag per day; 10-day maximum. Lockers 25-35kr per 24hr.; 3 day maximum. Open M-Sa 5:30am-lam, Su 6am-lam.

Laundromats: Look for Vascomat and Mentvask chains. At Borgerg. 2, Nansensg. 39, Vendersg. 13, and Istedg. 45. Wash and dry 40-50kr. Most open daily 7am-9pm. Bi-Gay-Lesbian Resources: Landsforeningen for Besser and Lesbiske (National Association for Gay Men and Women), Teglgardsstr. 13 (33 13 19 48; Open M-F llam-4pm. The monthly Out & About, which lists clubs, cafes, and organizations, is available at gay clubs and the tourist office. Also check out The city hosts the Danish Mermaid Parade ( in August.


Emergencies: 112. Police: 33 14 14 48. Headquarters are at Polititorvet.

24-Hour Pharmacy: Steno Apotek, Vesterbrog. 6c (33 14 82 66). Open 24hr.; ring the bell. Across from the Banegardspl. exit of Kobenhavn H.

Medical Assistance: Doctors on Call ( 70 27 57 57). Emergency rooms at Amager Hospital, Kastrup 63 (32 34 32 34), and Bispebjerg Hospital, Bispebjerg Bakke 23 (35 31 35 31).

Internet Access: Free at Use It (above). Copenhagen Hovedbibllotek (Central Library), Krystalg. 15 (33 73 60 60). Free. Open M-F 10am-7pm, Sa 10am-2pm. Boomtown, Axeltorv 1 (33 32 10 32). 20kr per 30min. 30kr per hr. Open 24hr.

Post Office: In Kabenhavn H. Address mail to be held: SURNAME Firstname, Post Denmark, Hovedbanegardens Posthus, Hovedbanegirden, 1570 Copenhagen V. DENMARK. Open M-F 8am-9pm, Sa 9am-4pm, Su 10am-4pm. Use It (see tourist offices, above) also holds mail. Address mail to: Firstname SURNAME, Poste Restante, Use It,

13 Radhusstr. 1466 Copenhagen K, DENMARK.

Comfortable and inexpensive accommodations can be hard to find near the city center, where most hostels are converted gymnasiums or warehouses, packed with up to 200 beds. On the upside, many hostels feature a lively social scene. The price jump between hostels and hotels is significant. In summer (especially during holidays and festivals, particularly Roskilde), it is wise to reserve well in advance.


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