Costa Rica Travel Guide Vlog

The beauty of this country is really something is very impressive. I see now why, it’s got the reputation the beauty of Costa Rica’s landscape, and Wildlife is stunning but what cultural highlights await you alongside Costa Rica’s tropical beaches, and lush jungles Manuel Antonio National Park is Costa Rica’s smallest Park the diversity of wildlife in its three square miles is unequaled with species of mammals, and species of birds the brown-throated three-toed sloth is in residence as are three of costa rica’s for monkey species the mantled howler monkey central american squirrel monkey, and the white headed Capuchin this proved scientifically these plants have the capacity to walk away from the original spot to meters to look for much better access to light the outside world is easily forgotten beneath the canopy roughly % of Costa Rica’s land is protected like many here trip leader Alex Lopez appreciates his country’s natural heritage alex is very knowledgeable.

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I’m impressed with his his knowledge of botany he knows his material real well. I think part of the way. I am, and part of what made me choose this profession is growing up at a farm.

I’m a farmer boy and I race always over there in contact with nature, and help me to choose this this career obviously hello hello hello what can be revealed by visiting a household of four in this small community. I would like to introduce our here Dona Sonia, and Don Rodrigo see they have invited us to share the mid-morning appetizer coffee in the snack with with in right then the pumpkin you saw the pumpkin over here true every family in this town of Sona Luca owns a small plot on the community farm they all work together in a communal fashion to support the village as a whole or flowers while men grow most of the crops, it’s the women who transform them into dishes such as the latin-american favorite empanadas how’s it Yona when are using Costa Rica in all of its beauty beckons us with its countless cultural, and natural wonders one of the most biologically rich nations on earth Costa Rica is known for its welcoming people who are committed to preserving the natural beauty of their beloved country. I’ve come to Costa Rica because.

I’ve heard about the wildlife. I was especially interested in things like monkeys, and crocodiles. I’ve heard wonderful things about the beaches here the volcano.

I like. I just think, it’s a wonderful experience the more you travel the more you learn about people, and customs with a bewildering range of micro culture climate flora fauna, and landscape what treasures will you find with an in-depth visit to Costa Rica ok everybody let me introduce you here. This is a augustine and I will see he’s the one that owns this place, and uh oliver is our program director he has a profound knowledge of the flora, and fauna he’s very energetic, and excited about what he is showing us, and wants us to get as excited as he is about his country we couldn’t ask for a better program director from the distance hummingbirds all they see is green green green green green green yellow over there Oh food over here and I smell it Devil’s Den is gonna pop it around.

So you can smell it, it’s called Elan Elan just a variety of plant life is incredible no matter where you look you can see something you’ve never seen before, it’s wonderful right try it meme bro, it’s the name very sour okay this little fruit that. I’m gonna give you, it’s called the miracle fruit. I want it, and it’s going to change that sour taste into something very sweet okay.

So that’s why, it’s called the miracle okay, and temple here you know you tried it first okay just suck it up anybody else hasn’t tried to before you try the meme bro yeah okay mmm that’s good Costa Rican agriculture is a major portion of the country’s gross domestic product smaller scale sustainable farming methods are becoming increasingly popular throughout Costa Rica, it’s called long lover. I think beautiful wind girl at my house what. I like the most about seeing this gentleman his presentation of the passion that he has for it, and to think. How much work goes into doing this that we have no idea amazing identical without major quick we’ll buy him okay that is looking forward today to the chance to meet people from the area, and kids are perhaps the most fun to meet from anywhere.

Because they’re said God cute, and there’s sweet, and innocent, and that’s that’s a thrill being a grandparent. I feel that way since Costa Rica has been one of the few countries in the world without a military expenditures that the nation formerly spent on armaments are now redirected towards education. This is one of the reasons why Costa Rica today boasts of the highest quality education system in the world they are.

So excited when people come in it was just amazing they grabbed you, and they want to hold your hands, and show you around the children are just delightful they’re just such happy children they’ve just seen this really full life, and happy to see us, and as much as we’re happy to see them yeah to me that that’s me. So far was the highlight of the trip Milton needle let me paint Milton seeing. How a family operates is really an important part of any country’s culture we had chicken, and rice, and beans if you have any nature interests. This is a wonderful place to come, and visit there is a wide variety of things to see from sea level to well up into the elevated areas some of the plants, and animals that you see, it’s a full plate of things that are extremely interesting said to contain as much as six percent of the world’s plant, and animal species in an area with the combined size of Vermont, and New Hampshire Costa Rica overflows with natural treasures Costa Rica home to a vast variety of wildlife with its miles of coastline over % of its land in conservation this tropical paradise makes a spectacular refuge for creatures both large, and small Costa Rica nature is just.

So wonderful in the diversity, and mostly their birds they’re just wonderful from volcanic mountain ranges to misty cloud forests, and bountiful jungles what will reveal itself to you while discovering Costa Rica up close there it is you see the dead tree that has a hole on the right side of the tree he looked for the ones that we had me seen, and pointed them out and I don’t know. How he spots them but he was able to come up with a lot of different animals that we hadn’t seen. So far by the way. This is the tree the gift those are not on hey guys, it’s our oranges we have seen before they’re very good for ceviche very good of fish very good lemonade you know. How to cut a kata which is the pumpkin.

I have in here in the scope what a beautiful bird one of the nicest things is that in Costa Rica there is little hunting, and usually animals are not afraid of human presence. So you can see in firsthand what they do in their natural world you can see animals feeding, and flying, and interacting, and doing things but we have very good chances the day trip we’re able to see over a hundred different species of birds plus many mammals reptiles amphibians people are really really pleased with the observation specially our hikes in the national parks, and the boat trips are particularly good although Manuel Antonio National Park is Costa Rica’s smallest park the diversity of wildlife in its three square miles is unequaled with species of mammal, and species of bird the brown-throated three-toed sloth is in resident as are three of Costa Rica’s for monkey species the mantel holder month Central American swirl monkey, and the white headed Capuchin the outside world is easily forgotten beneath the canopy that is until the distant sound of waves emerges out of the rainforest chorus the end of the trail reveals one of the parks white sandy beaches. I’ve never seen a beach.

So clear, and clean, it’s just a pleasure to be in the water here due to the stable climate warm waters, and subsequent lack of plankton the ocean waters are crystal-clear animals the ocean it was also very nice the beaches soft waves, and gentle currents provide the perfect environment to discover marine life, and coral reefs rocky Mosca adjust for extra safety retire your high necks in the car experience a constant okay just coming. This is concentrate they love. So we’re gonna feed it here.

So the cows distracted eating while you milk it okay he’s gonna do a little massage to the cow. So the notice starts coming down you know. So then you can make Costa Rica has an extremely successful dairy industry producing enough dairy to feed the people of their country with some left over for export.

I got a few drops not bad for a city slicker wouldn’t know where he went today but when a guy got sick okay seven eight bottles of milk in three minutes oh my god Tommy we have been in are now in wonderful villages we went to Monteverde, and traveled all over seeing is believing with. So many wonders in such a small place Costa Rica is sure to cast its spell on you.

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