Map Of Glasgow

Charing Cross Mansions 540-46 Sauchiehall Street

Figurative Programme Sculptor: William Birnie Rhind Surrounding the central clock face are five pairs of figures emblematic of the seasons, commerce, industry, and others. The decision to name the building Charing Cross Mansions, after the London district of the same name, elicited fierce criticism at the time.

Map Of Glasgow Photo Gallery

Former High School of Glasgow 94 Elmbank Street Statues of Cicero, Galileo, James Watt, and Homer Sculptor: John Mossman

Above the entrance to this former high school are sculptures of four learned figures Roman orator Cicero, the Greek epic poet Homer, Italian mathematician and astromoner Galileo and Scottish Engineer James Watt, who invented the steam engine.

New City Road

Allegorical Figures, Putti and Associated Decorative Carving Sculptor: unknown The main component of the sculpture programme on this Edwardian Baroque building erected for the Glasgow Savings Bank is a group of cherubs and two female figures; the one on the left holds a model ship and represents Shipbuilding, whereas the one on the right represents Commerce.

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