Quito Quilotoa and Cuy Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador

Day, Quito. and we’re starting our discovery at the market of Quito. I’m exploring Ecuador with some artists: These are Rocket & Wink. and Yukiko from Germany. Over there are the artists from Canada and USA. We are at Plaza Grande. This is the right place to tell you that Quito was the first city which has ever been declared a UNESCO cultural heritage site and I guess it is because of this beautiful old town.

Quito Quilotoa and Cuy Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador Photo Gallery

We are at the press conference. The conference is over and now we are having some traditional lunch! It’s the evening in Quito and we are at our last stop: the Calle de la Ronda! Good morning from the Andes. We’re going up to Quilotoa and we are at,m altitude already! We arrived at Quilotoa & we are about to go to see the crater. Are you ready guys? Estamos en el Quilotoa!

We’re now on the other side of the volcano and there’s an even bigger platform. Look at this view. We’re on an altitude of about,m and this volcano erupted about, years ago. Now there is water in the old crater and this water is actually salty because of the minerals inside. You can go down, this takes about an hour. There you can even rent boats and paddle in the crater. These are our Barbie mobiles and we are going to taste some guinea pig next. Oh yeah! Wink! Are you ready to taste some Cuy? Now it’s time to eat the Guinea pig this is how it looks like. How is it? “Ask the guinea pig. It says: it’s really nice!” Actually it’s not that bad it tastes like chicken. So. this is what yout eat when you come back from the party? “Yeah. at the sunrise. a nice cuy. This is how it’s done. haha ;)” After driving for a few more hours we arrived at Riobamba in our hotel. Tomorrow we are going with the train through the Andes. So. see you tomorrow!

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