Mozart moved here at age 17 with his family, staying from 1773-1780. Hear excerpts from his music alongside original scores. (Makartpl. 8. Open July-Aug. daily 9am-6:30pm; Sept.-June 9am-5:30pm.)


A. quick-firing guns, two Hotchkiss, two pom-poms and three of the newly-invented Harvey three-inch rocket-missile projectors, to use against enemy aircraft. This class, consisting of Ariguani, Patia, Maplin, Springbank and Pegasus, were converted from merchant cargo ships in an effort to try and combat the long-range German Folke Wulf 200 Condor reconnaissance aircraft that were exploiting the gap in the mid-Atlantic, beyond the range of Allied aircraft. The reconnaissance aircraft used this lack of air cover to guide their U-boat wolf packs towards Allied convoys. For a Hurricane Catapult pilot, though, it was a one-way journey once he had left the ship, because there was nowhere to land but the sea. After her completion by Brigham and Cowan at South Shields, Patia was commissioned on 26 April as a Fighter Catapult Ship and the following day proceeded out of the Tyne for gun trials, returning at 1600 hrs. At 1825 hrs on 27 April 1941, HMS Patia left her berth and sailed down the River Tyne, bound for Belfast, where she was to pick up the Hurricane aircraft. Thousands of people lined the river to see her off on her maiden voyage. From South Shields she headed north, accompanied by a single Blenheim aircraft, which left her when darkness set in. Patia was about 4 miles off Boulmer, Northumberland and the crew was looking for the 20F buoy when she was attacked by an Aalborg-based German Heinkel III, coming in from the eastward, bearing Green 130°.

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