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People who have never camped in the wilderness often ask: What do you do in the evening? Most of the popular forms of entertainment such as TV, radio, movies, and recorded music obviously aren’t available in this environment (you could bring a radio or tapes, but you’re much better off leaving those things at home. See Chapter 5 regarding radios and cassette players).

Those who can’t imagine living for a few days without constant entertainment are almost certainly not the best possible candidates for wilderness camping. Nature offers a quieter world, and one where most entertainment has to be selfcreated.

Some people worry about being bored. The question is, are you likely to find mountains, canyons, rivers, lakes, meadows, plants, flowers, trees, birds, animals, or life in general boring? Those of us who love wilderness camping and backpacking are almost certain to answer with a resounding No!

Evening can be a time for thoughtful or spirited conversation, reading, sitting quietly by a campfire, alongside a stream, river, or lake, or stretched out in an open meadow under the stars. You’ll probably discover that your experience of time tends to change when you’re immersed in nature. Once you’re off the treadmill, so to speak, there’s no urgency about measuring and filling free time the way people often do back at home.

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Just like the Spanish, the British North Country colonial system followed the rules of mercantilism, which were aimed at enriching the mother country. Dallas/Fort Worth Map According to the general guidelines, the colonies were to supply England with raw materials such as tobacco, indigo, furs, grain, and timber. Furthermore, the colonies were expected to purchase English manufactured goods such as glass, clothes, dishes, weapons, and tools. In order to gain greater control over colonial trade, Parliament passed a series of laws known as the Navigation Acts. The Navigation Act of 1651 stated that all goods sent to England or its colonies had to be transported by British-made ships. The purpose of the law was to minimize the possibility of other European nations benefiting from British colonial trade. The Navigation Act of 1660 stated that certain enumerated items not produced in England (such as tobacco, cotton, indigo dye, and sugar) could only be traded with England and its colonies. This measure sought to get rid of any competition for coveted colonial goods. The Navigation Act of 1663 (Staple Act) stated that all European imports to the colonies had to pass through English ports. Under this act, ships carrying goods from Europe to Country had to dock in England and pay a duty before being allowed to proceed. Because of this act, England became the center for colonial trade. With the Navigation Act of 1673 (Plantation Act), England, which already controlled imports, began to control exports as well. The latest act required that ships leaving colonial ports pay a tax on enumerated goods.

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