Falster Denmark Map

Area: 51 4 sq. km (1 98 sq. miles).

The Danish island of Falster lies between the two larger islands of Lolland and Zealand. On the E coast it has beautiful sandy beaches. Gedser Odde, the southern tip of the island, is the most southerly point in Denmark.

From Lolland the Frederik IX Bridge crosses the G uldborg Sound to the largest town on Falster, Nykobing, beautifully situated on the E side of the sound (pop. 26,000: Baltic Hotel, 135 Teaterhotel-let, 38 Liselund Motel, Sundby, 50 camp site). Founded in the Middle Ages and now a busy industrial town (sugar-refining, tobacco-processing), Nykobing has some well-preserved old streets and half-timbered houses (Store Kirkestraede, Langgade, Slotsgade). A notable feature is the Franciscan church (GrSbrodre-kirke), a Gothic building of 1532, containing a picture (1 540) by Lucas Cranach the Elder. The Falster Museum is housed in a building of 1700, known as the Czarens Hus, in which Peter the Great lived in 171 6.

Nykobing (Falster)

25 km (15 miles) SE is the little port of Gedser (Gedser Hotel, 35 Hojvangs Petit Hotel, 21 b.), from which there are ferry services to Lubeck-Travemiinde in the Federal Republic of Germany (3 hours) and Rostock-Warnemunde in the German Democratic Republic (1i hours).

A2 runs NW from Nykobing through fertile arable country and pastureland. At Norre Aislev (15 km 10 miles) a road branches off on the right to Stubbekob-ing (pop. 7300; Elverkroen, 60 camp site), an ancient little town beautifully situated on the Gronsund, with the oldest church on the island (c. 1200); attractive views from the tower. A ferry crosses in 12 minutes to Bog0, from which a bridge leads on to the island of Mein ( 193).

4 km (2i miles) beyond Norre Alslev A2 joins E4, coming from Lolland over the Guldborg Sound, which soon afterwards crosses the Storstrom Bridge (3211 m (3500 yds) long; 3 arches, 51 piers) on to the little island of Masnedo and from there continues over a bascule bridge to Vor-dingborg on the island of Zealand ( 295).

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