Florida Guide for Tourist

Florida Guide for Tourist


183,185 acres. Located in Florida’s western panhandle, this state forest features a 31-mile stretch of the beautiful Blackwater River, along with three large creeks, four lakes, and some swamps. There are forests of longleaf and slash pine, with cedar and maple. Wildlife includes deer, fox, and wild turkey.

Activities: The main trail here suitable for hiking and backpacking is the 21-mile Jackson Red Ground National Recreation Trail, which is part of the Florida Trail. There’s also a 4.5-mile side trail.

Canoeing is available on the Blackwater River as well as on some creeks, and the forest has a number of horse trails. Fishing is another option. Hunting is permitted in season.

I Camping Regulations: Camping has been allowed throughout the forest and alongside the Jackson Trail (including at two shelters) up to now, but new rules including permit requirements may be introduced shortly. Contact the forest headquarters regarding regulations. Campfires are limited to designated sites.

For Further Information: Blackwater River State Forest, Route 1, Box 77, Milton, FL 32570; (904)957-4201.

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