Frankfurt Map

Frankfurt Map


The cheapest meals surround the university in Bockenheim and nearby parts of Westend, and many of the pubs in Sachsenhausen serve food at a decent price. Just a few blocks from the youth hostel is a fully stocked HL Markt, Dreieichstr. 56 (open M-F 8am-8pm, Sa 8am-4pm); an Alim Markt, Miinchener Str. 37, is close to the Hauptbahnhof (open M-F 8:30am-7:30pm, Su 8am-2pm). Kleinmarkthalle, on Haseng. between Berliner Str. and Tongesg. is a three-story warehouse with bakeries, butchers, and fruit and vegetable stands. Cutthroat competition pushes prices way down. (Open M-F 7:30am-6pm, Sa 7:30am-4pm.)

Capolinea, Ziegelgasse 5. The chef is the menu: He creates fresh Italian pastas or brus-chetta (‚8-10) as you like it. Open M-Sa 2pm-lam, Su 6pm-lam.

Mensa, at the university. Take U6 or 7 to Bockenheimer Warte. Follow signs for Palmen-garten Universitat, then use the exit labeled Mensa. Go left right before the STA office. It’s inside the courtyard to your right. 2 floors of cheap, state-run, cafeteria food. Open M-F llam-6:30pm.

Klaane Sachsenhauser, Neuer Wallstr. 11. Let the 5th generation of the Wagner family feed you homemade Ebbelwei (‚1.40) and Frankfurt specialties (‚7-15). Open M-Sa 4pm-midnight.

Adolf Wagner, Schweizer Str. 71. Sauce-soaked German dishes (‚5-17) and mugs of Apfelwein (‚1.50 per 0.3L) keep the patrons of this famous corner of old-world Frankfurt jolly and rowdy. Open daily 1 lam-midnight.

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