Highlights in Quito Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador

It is about time for a new post series and here it is, the first post of my trip to the Andes in Ecuador. And this is the trailer. All right, right now I’m in a hotel room in Madrid because I have a -hour layover here before I board my plane tomorrow to go to Quito. So let me just use the chance to explain to you what I will be doing in the next few posts. Basically I’m going to Ecuador because I got invited by the tourism board in Ecuador to be part of the project called Feel Again. In this project there will be different artists from four countries in this -day expedition. These four teams are going to different places. So we have one team from the US going to the Galapagos. Then there is team Canada going to the Pacific Coast, and I’m amongst the German crew and we are heading to the Andes and the last group will go to the Amazon. So I’m quite curious what will happen within the next few days because I don’t have really like an itinerary already.

Highlights in Quito Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador Photo Gallery

I mean I will get it when I’m there, and I thought I’d just take you with me and I do kind of like a mixture of post and my normal posts you know. All right, so I will go to sleep and then we’ll see each other at the airport. Good morning from Madrid airport which is huge because it’s one of Europe’s major hubs for Latin America, and the terminal which I am in right now, Terminal, is actually one of the world’s largest terminals. What I haven’t told you yet is that I’m flying business class and this doesn’t really happen often to me so I’m using it and I try to go to the lounge and check it out. So I’ll get some drinks and something to eat and now it’s time to board the flight to Quito. All right guys, I arrived in Quito and I get picked up in style. Barbie is going into town.

So I got dropped off in the Old Town and now I want to explore Quito a bit before we head out to the Andes. We can already see them over there. Right in the back there is the volcano Cotopaxi and I’m standing here at the Panecillo. It’s a little hill in the middle of the city and it’s on altitude of about, meters. It’s quite exhausting to walk around here in this altitude. The president is coming every Monday at o’clock on this balcony and he is saying hello to the people. So we say hello to the president. This is the Basilica del Voto Nacional and we going to go on the roof of that. You see the people there? That’s where we’re going now. The altitude is killing me but we made it, we made it to the top. It was a short glimpse of Quito. Now I’m heading to bed. The jet lag is kicking in. And tomorrow the project will actually start, so in the next post I will show you a bit more of Quito and then we are heading into the Andes. So, comment to this blog if you haven’t already done it, and see you next time. Ciao.

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