Holiday in Maine USA


No one knows for sure because so few sites have been found, though it’s believed they were among the first people to live here after the Ice Age. Their name comes from the red ochre pigment found in the few grave sites that have been unearthed. They were most likely coastal dwellers who lived off the sea. Since the Ice Age, sea level has risen and the prime archaeological sites for the Red Paint People are probably deep underwater.

Henry in Pemaquid. More was used as fer tili/er and road fill, but the largest amount of the midden was removed in the late 1880s when a factory turned the shells into chicken feed. 1 he site is now managed by the Damariscotta River Association as a State Historic Site. There are hiking trails, interpretive panels explaining the area’s history, and beautiful views of the river.

Holiday in Maine USA Photo Gallery

Researchers believe this midden may represent at least 1,000 continuous years of use by Native Americans. In 1886, Harvard’s Peabody Museum purchased the rights to artifacts found there. Arrows, ax heads,

For four days every September, the town of Greenville, on the edge of Moosehead Lake, is the sile of the international Seaplane Fly In.

Usually held the weekend alter Labor Day, the llv in is more than four decades old. In the winter of 1973. when their regular clientele of sportsmen was sparse, some bush pilots decided to invite a few more pilots i n to spend a weekend flying and having fun.

Enough fun was had to lure more pilots to Greenville in subsequent years, making the fly in an annual event in 1995. the International Seaplane Ply In became a non profit asso ciaiion aimed at promoting fellowship and fun, including the fly in itself.

These days, the event attracts more than the usual modern, working seaplanes. Many rare, classic, and experimental planes attend as well. A1944 Grunman Goose even showed up once and there’s the unique site of a DC 3 on floats. Watching the planes ma\ be sufficient entertainment for many. Others will want to climb aboard.

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