Holiday in Montana


120.000 acres. This National Recreation Area is situated both in southern Montana and northern Wyoming. With steep-walled canyons up to 1000-feet deep, the area includes 71-mile-long Bighorn Lake, which is a dammed-up stretch of the Bighorn River, along with lands on either side. Within the boundaries is a portion of the Prior Mountain Wild Horse Range.

Activities: Hiking and backpacking are possible here, but there are no formal trails. All travel is cross-country. Fishing is available, and hunting is permitted in season.

Camping Regulations: Camping is largely restricted to campgrounds, but backpacking is allowed in the South District of this National Recreation Area. A free permit is required, and may be obtained from visitor centers or ranger stations. Campfires are normally allowed with the appropriate permit.

For Further Information: Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, P.O. Box 458, Fort Smith, MT 59035; (406)666-2412.

Holiday in Montana Photo Gallery

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