It is Thursday February 4th 2018 it is 6 o’clock in the morning it is way too early to be awake, I’m on the corner of 8th Avenue, and 42nd Street, and I am in desperate need of a cup of coffee right now I was gonna ride my bike down here. But it’s a little wet today it’s kind of like a light rain drizzle. So I took the subway instead which is probably for the best. Because riding my bike half asleep through Midtown’s not another good thing grabbed my morning cup of coffee this should give me a little jolt to wake me up it’s crazy how busy the city is at such an early hour the reason why, I’m awake at 6 o’clock in the morning on a Thursday is. Because, I’m leaving New York City right now just for the day, I’m taking a day trip out of town to try out my brand new camera to kind of just get it ready for the Costa Rica trip. Because there’s so many different settings on it I want to get really really good at using this camera.


So when we do go down to Costa Rica, I’m not fumbling around with the camera I can just you know already know how to use it, and enjoy our time down there. So, I’m heading out of town now yeah we are in Brigantine New Jersey that is Atlantic City over there that’s the Atlantic City inlet this is my brand-new gopro hero4 black I am so pumped to have this camera for the Costa Rica trip. So what we’re doing right now is we’re testing it out there’s a little little wave if you can see in the distance ready these are the perils of surfing in the winter you have the full hat the full body suit the gloves, and the boots, and little brother Dylan they’re good little brother Dylan he’s surfing today and, I’m gonna go stand up paddle board. Because the wetsuit, I’m wearing right now has a hole in the crotch and, I’m not trying to go out in 38 degree water with a hole in the crotch on the surfboard see on the stand-up board you’re not gonna get wet too much. But surfing here where is he at right there there’s my brother’s friend Nick in the water, and he is surfing. So if you’re in the water like that, and you have a hole in the crotch your suit that is not good, I’m taking out the big board today this is a 12-foot standard no it’s not 12 foot you know when you see GoPro posts on , and some are like really amazing, and they’re super color corrected, and the frame rates all correct, and then there’s other GoPro posts where it’s kind of like shaky craziness I want to have the for the first version the nice smooth version.

So this is like a test run, I’m gonna switch over to the GoPro post, and test this thing out now the moment we’ve been waiting for is here it’s just about 5:00 p.m. I surfed from I got in that like 10 a.m. surfed until 12:45 got out of the water got some food kind of warmed up a little bit went back out, and now it’s 5 o’clock the thing about this Beach that’s really interesting is this jetty right here this rock jetty is a mile long. So it starts right here you paddle all the way out here all the way down out around the rocks. So right right there in the distance, I’m if you can see that too clearly that’s where we were surfing way out there what’s up look who’s come to join us everyone’s favorite Bulldog looks like a cow on the beach trying to eat dicks, and whatnot the life of a bulldog look at he’s such a good dog no don’t eat trash I have yet to check out this GoPro footage.

So I have no clue why I just shot hopefully it’s good or the first time I went out I had a bored mount, and the bored mount fell off. Because the water was so cold what is he what are you doing he’s crazy he just runs around in circles lookit look at him go. But like I was saying the first time I went out I had this board mount. So you could see me on the board paddling surfing with the wave in the background the board mount fell off. Because the water was too cold. So then I had to hold the GoPro in my teeth with the orange back part in my teeth for the first hour, and that’s why I came in.

Because my jaw was hurting. So bad then the second time out I just put a little rope around the GoPro, and wore like a necklace. So I’d paddle into the way if I’d pick it up, and then post the wave, and post me, and it is dinner time for both of us come on dinner time let’s go yeah this is my mom rocking her favorite son Bubba as she recovered from her surgery what do you do have surgery on mom your children, and now you have your lap dog cheering you up. But in your in his mind you’re his mother by the way Bubba just launched his own blog, I’ll link it down below he hasn’t posted any posts yet. But he’s thinking about it everything with the camera facing the wrong way. So let me just try this again here, I’m sorry excited I had like the most amazing day I had a Vineyard Vines casting earlier today, and it’s always. So funny when I go to these castings cuz, I’m like you guys know that like I could rap with this like Vineyard Vines LL Bean I had a casting for them the other day it’s like New England it’s my homeland you know I mean I always felt like.

So excited when I go. But I never get them of course you know it’s just one of those things, and then I was at large for four hours shooting I think it was just like sort of a test post or two to test posts just to see like how things are working, and what’s gonna happen, and I might go in for another test post or the real posts. But it went really really well. So far, and the whole allure team there is so sweet, and like opened up a bottle of wine to celebrate tonight. Because I had so much fun today, and you guys are gonna like die when you see what they gave me. Because she ordered a ton of makeup cuz she’s like well I don’t I don’t know what you need it gave me the Naked palette by urban which is like fifty fifty four dollars or something like that now buy me day I was so spastic let me dump out the brush here just show you guys it’s like brand new never been touched it’s like are you sure I got that I don’t know she’s like oh yeah it’s just like it doesn’t need to be sitting around the office I was like yes, and then we’re going through all the makeup, and stuff, and she’s like oh yeah you can just take whatever you want. Because otherwise it’ll just be sitting around, and like take the stuff that you use today. Because any of the lip products or something will won’t get used or whatever I don’t know this is what they ended up giving me I have some Dior lip products these are what I used for the look these three another Urban Decay lipstick I also use this for the lip for the look it is in sheer rapture.

So it’s like when their sheer lips lip colors, and it’s gorgeous I love it those of you guys who saw it on snapchat know that it was like a beautiful lip color just like sheer easy to wear though. But beautiful nonetheless I just had a big old chicken baked beans broccoli sauna specialty dinner we have a fat bulldog sleeping on the couch already we lit a nice fireplace it’s all cozy in here, and I wasn’t even go back to New York City tonight. But there’s gonna be a snowstorm overnight here we’re supposed to get four to eight inches which is a lot for down here in southern New Jersey, I’m gonna stay the night down here tonight tomorrow morning go surf again test out the GoPro morrow morning we will wake up the ground will be covered with snow hopefully maybe you know that’d be nice if we wake up, and there’s snow on the ground it is Friday morning February the 5th 2006 hand into the beach now gonna go check the surf the morning surf report cold snow Bulldog tiny little waves the verdict is no surf today the waves are small, and it’s too snowy, and cold for us to even want to go paddle out we’re gonna go back to the house, and edit post then head back to New York City if you guys like the new GoPro footage give this post a thumbs up to let me know, and until tomorrow everyone remember to smile more worried less, and live your passion tomorrow Jessica’s mom is coming into New York City. So that should be a fun day leave us a comment down below if you think Bubba is sexy don’t forget to comment the bubble blog, I’ll link it down below we will see everyone tomorrow.

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