Liberal Map and Guide

Baker Arts Center

624 N. Pershing, Liberal, KS 67901 Tel: (316) 624-2810 Director: Ms. Laura Smith Admission: voluntary contribution.

Attendance: 15,000 Established: 1986 Membership: Y ADA Compliant: Y Parking: free on site.
Open: Tuesday to Friday, 10am-5pm;
Saturday to Saturday, 2pm-4pm.

Liberal Map Of The World

Facilities: Discovery Center for children; Exhibition Area (4 galleries); Library.

Activities: Art Exploration; Guided Tours.

Liberal Map Of California

The Center houses a permanent collection of regional art, including a series of lithographs by John Steuart Curry.

In addition, it mounts temporary exhibitions every four to six weeks, focusing on the work of locally, regionally, and nationally known artists.
John Steuart Curry. Our Good Earth, lithograph. Baker Arts Center collection. 1‘hotograph courtesy of Baker Arts Center, Liberal, Kansas.

Liberal Map Of Canada

Liberal Map and Guide Photo Gallery


Bethany College – Mingenback Art Center Gallery

Map Liberal Ks

421 N. 1st St, Lindsborg, KS 67456 Tel: (785) 227-3311 Ext: 8244 Internet Address: Art Chair: Caroline Kahler Admission: free.

Open: September to June, Daily, 8am-5pm.

Facilities: Exhibition Area.

Activities: Lecture Series; Temporary Exhibitions.

Located on the southwest edge of the campus, the Mingenback Art Center Gallery mounts exhibitions year round of student and outside artists work. Also of possible interest, adjacent to the campus is the Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery, dedicated to the works of the artist-teacher who dominated the art scene at Bethany and in Lindsborg during the first half of the twentieth century.

Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery

401 North 1st St, Lindsborg, KS 67456 Tel: (913) 227-2220 Fax: (913) 227-4170

Internet Address: Director: Mr. Larry L. Griffis Admission: free, voluntary contribution.

Attendance: 7,300 Established: 1957 Membership: Y ADA Compliant: Y

Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery, cont.

Parking: tree on site.

Open: Tuesday to Sunday, lpm-opm.

Closed: New Years Day Memorial Day.

Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day.

Christmas Day.

Facilities: Archives: Exhibition Area;

Gallery and Recital Area: Sales Desk.

Activities: Concerts: Gallery Talks: Guided Tours (by appointment): Lectures;

Permanent Exhibits; Temporary Exhibitions.

Publications: blog. “Birger Sandzen: An

Illustrated Biography”.

The Sandzen Gallery is located on the south edge of the Bethany College campus. It houses a collection of works by Birger Sandzen. as well as paintings, prints, ceramics, and sculpture by other artists, both European and American. The Gallery also has an active schedule of temporary exhibitions of the work of local and regional artists.

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