Lunch in Speyer Germany Trip

The local hostess welcomes travelers to a home hosted coffee clutch translated to coffee gossip The Gathering offers a glimpse into daily life. I enjoy to doing hosting because, it’s a great great family all groups are coming in my house.

Lunch in Speyer Germany Trip Photo Gallery

I feeling. I know these people for a long time ago, it’s all. So friendly.

So open, and it’s real family here come private in my house and So you are my family now yeah for two hours or maybe it just makes the trip more special when you can get to meet the local people, and you get to speak to them, and get to know their customs, and the way of life in foreign country and So it brings it more into reality rather than just looking at buildings, and visiting the important sites Linda has been our hostess she’s been very gracious, and served us delicious pastries, and desserts she’s teaching me. How to make the snowflake cookies, and it’s all in German.

So we’re having to improvise four weeks ago there was a family only a family for Alaska Alaska, and it’s not we’re really a whole lot alike even though we’re from different parts of the world table doesn’t bring you together here you.

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