Map of Vancouver

Wanna guys just waiting for the boys to get ready it is our last day here in Vancouver. So we thought we would end the day we’re going to grass mountain. Because we went before for my birthday. But remember was all foggy, and missing me we didn’t really get to see the views. So this time we’re going back. Because it is a very funny blue day, I’ll show you yeah last night Vancouver, and then it’s on to the road trip to Alberta, and then we’re off back to North America. So it should be a nice last day, and came back with that as you can see it is nice, and blue the Sun is out, and it is about 30 degrees today I think that’s gonna be a good one I here we go to the city first, I’m sure i can try, and convince stephen that we should have a timmies he’s always like no we’ve already had a coffee, I’m like to me ease, and then someone yeah alright.

Map of Vancouver Photo Gallery

So we’re gonna go now I like how, I’m the girl and, I’m the first one ready. But then again I do use the bathroom first Hey guys it is so clear that we can see grass mountain from where we’re staying we’re excited. Because last time we went there was so misty we didn’t really enjoy it. But I think it’s going to be a good time today yes, I’m so excited looks. So high from here see the big white thing that’s how they going that’s where we go in who’s with you all the time you may not realize we.

So we just got to grass Mountain good thing last time we didn’t find out about the free shuttle bus. So we left here in like no time at all. So we’re just going to buy our tickets, and head up the mountain, and then it’s such a good weather then we’re gonna get to get a real good view yeah we just got to the top, and it’s super weird coming here, and being able to see where to walk like we know where the wind probably I feel like we needed right now quickly to show a quick snippet of what it was like last time we were here yeah. So true that, and now you can understand that it’s nice to be able to see a piece yes what’s your first grizzly bear encounter he was extremely grizzly, and I think he her in love we’re trying to find the other one I think he’s calling off in the water I he’s here he’s swimming. But passed away Oh we’ll try find him good mm-hmm that’s very good, I’m going to take in the last few years of vancouver before we head back down the mountain looks. So nice, I’ll let Stephen post it. So there’s no squiggle in the way.

So guys this is our plan of attack okay. So okay guys. So tomorrow we’re gonna be starting in Vancouver, and we’re going to be driving nice i like, I’m using a red texture for red road, I’m gonna be driving driving or we drivin drivin to Kamloops this is we’re going tomorrow. So like that’s yeah Vancouver kamloops, and in Alberta that’s like the border. So we’re pretty close to it yeah vizier that’s our plan of attack tomorrow. So hopefully we make it better driving on the wrong side of the road for the first time, and then that I was driven in four months for five months. So yeah thanks for reading guys, and we’ll see you tomorrow on our alberta road trip bye guys I.

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