Miami Canal Fishing


The precise nature of pole fishing makes it ideal for testing every likely corner of a swim with unerring accuracy. It is very much a process of trying different options and switching baits and rigs to keep bites coming. Feeding is absolutely vital, and by having different areas to try you can experiment.

It also pays to leave a decent gap between different ‘lines on the canal. Not only does this keep areas separate, but prevents fish spooking. For example, when you hook a fish on the far bank, you don’t want to bring it directly through another area you’ve been feeding. There are exceptions to every rule, however: I often like to fish pinkies for small roach, but also introduce hempseed just a meter or so further to give an area for their bigger shoal-mates to settle.

Miami Canal Fishing Photo Gallery

A pole is ideal for lowering baits precisely to features on the far bank.

Pole anglers don’t ‘cast’, strictly speaking, but simply lower or ‘lay out their rig. They also have the distinct advantage of being able to reposition or manipulate their rigs with small, deft movements. One typical trick is to lift the pole tip slightly to make the bait rise and settle again. Skilled pole anglers do this often and it’s amazing how frequently a fish will notice the movement and take the bait just as it settles. With several metres of pole in your hands, every movement is magnified, hence only a very small movement is required.

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