Milan Metro Map

Soon after dinner we repaired to the dancingroom again; I Milan Metro Map observe in the course of the lessons, that Mr. Christian is punctual, and rigid in Milan Metro Map his discipline, so strict indeed that he struck two of the young Misses for a fault in the course of their performance, even in the presence of the mother of one of them! And he rebuked one of the young fellows so highly as to tell him he must alter his manner, which he had observed through the course of the dance, to be insolent, and wanton, or else absent himself from the school.

I thought this a sharp reproof to a young gentleman of seventeen, before a large number of ladies! Nothing is now to be heard of in conversation, but the balls, the fox-hunts, the fine entertainments, and the good fellowship, which are to be exhibited at the approaching Christmas. Mr. Goodlet was barred out of his school last Monday by his scholars, for Christmas holidays, which are to continue till twelfth-day; but my scholars are of a more quiet nature, and have consented to have four or five days now, and to have their full holiday in May next, when I propose by the permission of Providence to go home, where I hope to see the good and benevolent Laura. When the candles were lighted, we all repaired, for the last time, into the dancing-room; first each couple danced a minuet; then all joined as before in the country dances, these continued till half after seven when at the proposal of several, we played Button, to get pawns for redemption; here I could join with them, and indeed it was carried on with sprightliness, and decency; in the course of redeeming my pawns I had several kisses of the ladies! Half after eight we were rung in to supper.

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