New York Map



Located in the Ramapo Mountains of southeastern New York, about 40 miles northwest of New York City, these two adjacent state parks are administered together.

Although most elevations here are under 1,300 feet, terrain is quite rocky and rugged. Fine views are available from numerous mountaintops, rocky ledges, and outcroppings.

There are also a number of lakes, ponds, and some large streams. The forest consists mainly of hardwoods, with ample stands of hemlock, plus mountain laurel. White-tailed deer, bear, bobcat, and fox are among the wildlife.

Activities: Hiking and backpacking are possible on 40 different trails totaling over 200 miles. Included is a section of the Appalachian Trail (see entry page 217). Difficulty ranges from easy to strenuous. Some trails receive heavy use.

An additional network of old roads has been designated and marked for cross-country skiing in the winter, although local snowfall is only occasionally adequate for skiing. Fishing is also available. Hunting is prohibited.

Camping Regulations: Open stone shelters are situated along trails at a number of locations in the two parks. Camping is restricted to these shelters and within 100 feet of them. Campfires are allowed in shelter fireplaces. No permits or fees are required.

For Further Information: Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks, c/o Palisades Interstate Park Commission, Bear Mountain, NY 10911; (914)786-2701.

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