Oxford Guide for Tourist

Oxford Guide for Tourist


Pubs far outnumber colleges in Oxford; some even consider them the city’s prime attraction. Most open by noon, begin to fill around 5pm, and close at 1 lpm (10:30pm on Sundays). Be ready to pub crawl many pubs are so small that a single band of merry students will squeeze out other patrons, while just around the comer others have several spacious rooms.

Turf’s Tavern, 4 Bath PI. (243 235), off Holywell St. Arguably the most popular student bar in Oxford (they call it the Turf), this 13th-century pub is tucked in the alley of an alley, against ruins of the city wall. Choose from 11 ales. Hot food served in back room daily noon-7:30pm. Open M-Sa llam-llpm, Su noon-10:30pm.

The Old Bookbinders, 1718 Victor St. ( 553 549), walk up Walton St. left on Jericho St. until Victor St. This crowded little pub provides a neighborhood feel. Occasional beer fests feature over 25 ales. Food served 6-9:30pm. Open M-Su 10:30pm.

The Kings Arms, 40 Holywell St. (242 369). Oxford’s unofficial student union. The coffee room at the front lets quieter folk avoid the merry masses at the back. Coffee bar closes 5:30pm. Open M-Sa 10:30am-llpm, Su 10:30am-10:30pm.

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