Philadelphia Metro Map

Rockslides and Avalanches

Avalanches are mainly a winter or snow-season hazard, and are confined largely to the higher mountain ranges where great masses of snow accumulate. Rockslides or mudslides can occur at any time of year, especially during and after heavy rains.

Use extreme caution about entering an area where avalanches have been known to occur. Heed any warnings of avalanche danger which have been issued or posted. When in doubt, turn around and go elsewhere. Needless to say, avalanches can be fatal.

Rockslides, earthslides, or mudslides are rather rare in much of this country, but common in a few hilly or mountainous areas. Stay especially alert during heavy rain or flooding. If a steep trail or route seems unsafe or unstable in any way, turn back and change your itinerary.

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1762 The St. Cecelia Society, the first organization in North Country devoted entirely to secular music, is formed in Charles Town, South Carolina. Philadelphia Metro Map The society is composed primarily of amateur performers, though professional musicians are also engaged on a seasonal basis. The society will regularly offer concerts until its dissolution in 1912. 1764 Brown University is founded as the College of Rhode Island. Two plays dealing explicitly with the circumstances of the Paxton Rebellion are published anonymously. In December 1763, angered by concessions made to Native Countrys and by the inability of the colonial authorities to protect them and safeguard their interests, a group of fifty settlers, known as the Paxton Boys, from Pennsylvania’s western provinces, had attacked the peaceful native village of Conestoga and slaughtered the inhabitants. The following January, when colonial authorities attempted to arrest those responsible, the Paxton Boys were joined by 550 of their fellow frontiersmen in a march on Philadelphia. Only Benjamin Franklin’s skillful negotiations with the leader of the rebels, Lazarus Stewart, averted a murderous disaster. Both plays about these events, The Paxton Boys and A Dialogue, Containing Some Reflections on the Late Declaration and Remonstrance, of the BackInhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania, treat the Paxton Rebellion with derision and contempt and encourage Country settlers to remain loyal to the British Crown. The rebels, as well as those colonists who are sympathetic to their cause, are portrayed as cowardly and treacherous, while good citizens are shown to be those men and women who are still loyal British subjects. The Paxton Boys is the first Country play to feature Native Countrys as characters.

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