Portland Subway Map

Portland Subway Map and Country Region

History for Portland Subway Map
In front of the tasting room, tables and chairs make Portland Subway Map for a quiet retreat or picnic spot under a vine-entwined shelter. Inside, visitors taste Portland Subway Map an array of estate wines, predominantly red Rhones, poured on most days by Bryan Cass, son of Steve Cass, one of the winery’s founding partners. Near the eye-catching silver tasting bar built of industrial diamond plate, glass doors framed by the rim of a giant cask afford a view into the barrel room.

Colorful paintings hang in front of an impromptu collage crafted from corks, and in a softly lit space opposite, an informal cafe, complete with commercial kitchen and executive chef, serves a gourmet lunch daily. Specialties on the appealing cafe menu include truffle pizza, crab cakes, and Cuban pork sandwiches, inviting fare for hungry travelers exploring what neighborhood producers call the Backroads Wineries. Steve Cass and his business partner, Ted Plemons, who owns a local construction company, opened the winery in 2005 after falling under the spell of Rhone wines while on a trip to South Africa.

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