Quabbin Reservoir Hiking Trail Map

And you become intimate with the area, even coming to know where the wildlife hangs out. Deer frequent one particular field on my route. I approach quietly now and as I walk around it, sure enough, one particular doe is always there – and maybe it’s my imagination, but she’s becoming used to me. She lets me walk past, albeit at a distance, and waits just a little longer each visit before bounding off through the grass.

Shopping? Sure thing! I passed loads of farms and cottages where such staples as eggs, honey and vegetables were on sale with an honesty box. You’re also supporting a local trade.

Quabbin Reservoir Hiking Trail Map Photo Gallery

For many who live in cities or larger towns it may not be possible to circumnavigate in a few hours. Even then, perhaps if you live near the outskirts, one day take that path you can see on the map and see what happens. Time your loop out and back and you’ll have a foray on file for when you have an hour or two spare. You’ll see where you live from a different angle.

Take a day on the weekend. A whole day with no plans gives you time to get a little lost and make your own way. If you want to extend your adventure by an hour you can do. Over time, the paths and tracks become familiar and the map unnecessary. Even then, further trails appear that you may have missed, perhaps not even marked on the map. After a few weeks your route knowledge will be impressive, and instead of your usual walk, the available options become numerous.

Now, go walk in a circle!

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