Rome Metro Map


The spectacular Rhine River (1 day, 484). From Berlin (2 days, 418) and reckless Hamburg (1 day, 460), head north to cosmopolitan Copenhagen (2 days, 262) and continue on to Amster dam (3 days, 767). Spend a day each in Brussels (122) and Bruges (130) before heading home.


THE BEST OF THE MEDITERRANEAN IN 6 WEEKS Begin in the flower-filled ter- razas of Seville (2 days, 892) before basking on the soft-sand beaches of Cadiz (2 days, 902). Stand on the imposing Rock of Gibraltar (1 day, 903) en route to partying with the beautiful people in the Costa del Sol resort town of Marbella (1 day, 905). Skip inland to Granada (2 days, 906), and wind your way through Moorish fortresses. From Valencia (2 days, 913), hop around the Balearic Islands between Ibiza’s foam parties and Menorca’s raw beaches (3 days, 957). Ferry to vibrant Barcelona (3 days, 916), before hitting the Costa Brava and the Dali museum in Figueres (2 days, 939). Head to France’s provengal Nimes (1 day, 355) and follow van Gogh’s traces through Arles (1 day, 358). More fun awaits in Avignon (1 day, 356), before you revel in Aix-en-Provence (1 day, 359). Taste the bouillabaisse in Marseilles (1 day, 359), and move on to all that glitters on the Cote d’Azur: Cannes (2 days, 367) is the star-studded diamond, and Nice (2 days, 369) is the party haven.

Benson. Henry James was born in New York in 1843 Rome Metro Map and established a reputation as an essayist and reviewer in the 1860s, with his first novel, Rome Metro Map Watch and Ward, published in 1871. He settled in England in 1876 and lived in London for the next 20 years, writing several novels including The Europeans, Daisy Miller, Portrait of A Lady, and Washington Square. Whilst based in London he also wrote short stories, essays, critical studies, travel works and drawing room comedies. In 1896, he rented Point Hill in Playden, just outside Rye, moving to the Old Rectory later that year and buying Lamb House in 1898, describing it as ‘the very calmest and yet cheerfulest that I could have dreamed’. After making various improvements to the house, he lived there until his death in 1916, penning some of his finest novels there, including The Wings Of A Dove in 1902, The Ambassadors in 1903, and The Golden Bowl in 1904.

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