San Francisco to Seattle Map USA

Bye-bye San Fran house. So we are just leaving through the airport now what do we do we wait we wait wait, and we wait, and then we fly finally through TSA through such a rush training concern.

But at the end when you like put your shoes back on your anyway we’re just gonna go get some coffee, and some breakfast what’s the stride in her step it only means one thing she must got some pizza what you got there we just touch down, and see it’s nice, and chilly outside a little 12 degrees it’s so nice in the way oh. So beautiful like snow-capped peak get excited for Canada such a nice little flight that we went on to the Queen always have like a two-hour flight also flight where free drinks, and apply where we learned to ends daylight. So just trying to find the public transport system. Because apparently is pretty easy to just catch the light rail house where we live, and it’s like 2 bucks 25. So should be in our place in about an hour I think checking is in an hour. But also on the plane they had on like a cool todrick Hall intro showing you to like you know the safe, and your seatbelts, and store your luggage then we put a link in the description below check out this it’s so cool.

San Francisco to Seattle Map USA Photo Gallery

Because it just it engages you rather than just the boring Norway Chile we just walked outside just as we were talking, and it hit us studying assessment well boss yeah oh yeah we have a form living room, I’m so excited the whole kitchen see we have a whole kitchen, and whole living room yeah, I’m so excited let’s see let’s see what the bedroom looks like oh nice we kind of have a view we’re on the fourth floor you can’t see me there’s some cars yay yay just by having two more than two doors in this apartment it already wins best air B&B hopefully that didn’t make you sick anyway yeah the bus ride was actually really nice the train ride was actually really nice over here.

Because we’re used to in Perth the trains being nice we used to the trains being in the middle of the freeways. So you don’t really get to see anything. But this train from the airport out here went through the suburbs. So we got to see a bit of Seattle before we you know kind of settled in which is really cool I think we’re just gonna charge our phones maybe have a quick shower, and then head out to find some food top of our fridge was this little contraption proof actually was really quick I feel like like an hour ago mm-hmm we were in Seattle it was so fast our house is really close to like tons of shops, and stuff, I’m in a really good location wow this is nice. So what did you find us I try to juice or a whole food trade the joys it’s way cheaper we’re gonna get some snacks yeah come on we have snacks in a while it’s a lie what more than one pillow hey happy eyes it’s actually a really nice area yeah bump up Russell just like one just there I can’t really see a business like carved into the side of an apartment or almost said enjoying the visa it’s on the heat up we’re just gonna call, and Hoover our bags are too heavy we did way too much shopping guys I feel like for the first time ever we have like all food YUM I am excited you want some cheese yeah yeah it’s just for some cookies we had these in LA, and they were. So good I’ve just been craving them at the sins like, I’m the camera cool in backwards we have one new today for thinking you guys probably think we eat a lot the only time we eat is when we’re posting anything like what maybe one two yeah sometimes only one meal a day.

But we’ll post it, and it looks like we we do eat. Because I suppose like it’s hard with the postging. Because you really see eight minutes about 24 hour day or maybe fifteen hour day without the sleeping, and we just happened to post when we were eating I suppose makes the whole communion activity offered social service very sometimes we feel like making dinner with you guys. So maybe that’s why we chat a bit more. But yeah we actually don’t eat that much. But we still love food nonetheless mmm it’s cookies oh sorry would you guys ever go to Trader Joe’s the trail-mix cookies YUM mmm no the best we even love the choc chip ones. But the trail-mix ones are the best I don’t know what, I’m doing I was about to get over up into the cupboard.

But no it’s the cookies at one covered well the cleaner. But we found them money toys have a boss in Hawaii was this the first time we’ve had a bath crappy boss. So just once a bath. So this is where it’d be good if Jess was a beauty blogger. Because then she could just chuck those things in uh how do you work this, I’m getting in I don’t know how to work this oh there’s a cold oh yeah. So casually works oh wait I know you go the other way around we actually have bench space to do work, and a robe feel like, I’m at the Hilton just had a nice hot bath, and I made a nice comfy ride oh that’s so good, and now, I’m gonna cook dinner. So, I’m trying to work out what we should have let’s see here what should we have Oh stuffy.

So we love our pasta pizza we also got like a pie some pancakes make font parmigiana never tried it before I want to see what that’s like, and then we got like an Indian curry, and some I don’t know what to have there’s pretty much it’s our pastors, and pizzas do you want some like ravioli or fettuccine we’re going to fettuccine all right, I’m gonna get my master chef on, and make some good old pasta in less than five minutes hopefully it looks like this when, I’m done the pasta came out of the packets like little doughnuts, and then he nuts the sauce, and then his mushrooms weird later done dessert, I’m cooking up two little blueberry pies there you go how was dinner it was good thanks for cooking up it was it took me ages to make it I hope you appreciate that it was so cold I think the best part about this whole place is that it has a dishwasher. So we don’t even have to do dishes anymore yeah you’re gonna bother this going to my robe, and not have to do dishes Hey yay yay yay. But living like kings we’re living like kings I feel like, I’m rich I got my browbone I got the dishwasher on secretly looks like it’s funny how like you know at home you used to have you all this stuff, and then when you don’t have I feel like flip this on the stove okay she’s all ready for the night yay okay guys we just finished eating, and just sat down to just just some computer internet this chill it’s good to sometimes do that. But you know like these day flights. Because you know you get into the hotel it’s just chilled, and ready to go up, and get some food now, I’ll pull. So, I’m just making a coffee which might be a little bit loud.

So I might walk down yeah I think tomorrow we are going to do some work in the morning, and then apparently a few people have been to Seattle good friend of mine said we need to go down to the fisherman’s market or just the markets, and just check out like fresh fruit as they do there, and apparently there’s just a good vibe I think it’s down at the wharf that’s why, I’m saying fisherman’s somebody’s asleep my just end up or graffiti organizing thanks for reading. So we’ve got seven days in Seattle hope you stick around give us a thumbs up or a little sleepy Jes, and we’ll see you tomorrow.

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