Sights and Attractions in Leningrad


The Peter and Paul Fortress (1703) with the Peter and Paul Cathedral (1712-1732, Tower 1751). The Menschikow Palace, the first building project on the Wassilijew Island (1714), the Fourth Winter Palace on the southern bank of the Neva near the Admiralty. The Square of the Arts with the Palace of the Grand Duke Michael (1819-1825), which is today the State Museum. The Hermitage (1775-1784) the most famous Russian art collection and the Isaak from Kiev Cathedral.

Sights and Attractions in Leningrad Photo Gallery

The fiery lieutenant of the guard screamed at him in Spanish not to step on the national flag, but the cadet did not understand; the wind blew harder, the flag flapped around his legs, so he stamped on it to hold it down. The lieutenant saw this as a calculated mortal insult to the country, so he pulled out his pistol and shot the hapless cadet in the leg. It threatened to be a big incident but was quietened down by the oil company. The cadet was flown to the USA for expensive private treatment. The lieutenant was exiled to stand guard in a remote jungle village, forever, apparently. While we were there, great care was taken whenever any flag was hoisted or lowered. The process was undertaken by an AB and a cadet and was supervised by the duty officer. While this was happening, the guards made a point of looking anywhere else but at the flags, until the operation was completed. The memorable incident while we were tied up at Maracaibo concerned McAllister. I was standing on the flying bridge by the midships accommodation block at midday with Stamp, waiting for Starling to arrive so I could hand over the watch, when McAllister came swaying up from aft, falling from one side to the other, bouncing off the rails.

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