South Sudan Metro Map

South Sudan Metro Map to US

Government and Economy


City is one of the most Democratic cities in North Carolina. In 2009, there were 466,490 registered voters in City, with Democrats and unaffiliated voters outnumbering registered Republicans more than three to one. Barack Obama received 62 percent of the vote in Mecklenburg County in the 2008 presidential election. Despite leaning a little to the left, City has elected a Republican mayor since 1987. For the past seven terms, Republican Pat McCrory has held the title in City. McCrory was first elected in 1995; he is the first seven-term mayor and the longest-serving mayor in City history. McCrory was also the Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina in 2008 but lost the seat to Democratic former Lieutenant Governor Beverly Perdue. Democrats control the city council with a 7-4 advantage.

In general, Republicans are concentrated in the southeast section of City while the southcentral, eastern, and northern parts of the city lean mostly Democratic. These political lines are reflected in City’s three congressional districts. Democrats hold the 8th and the 12th congressional districts while a Republican represents the 9th congressional district.

City Hall is the heart of government activity in City.

History for South Sudan Metro Map
You arrive at a metalled road, the traffic noise of South Sudan Metro Map the nearby A286 all too audible, and turn right to follow the road, which leads unerringly South Sudan Metro Map down to the village of Henley. It is pleasantly quiet compared with the A286, but watch for motorists who also have their sights set on the Duke of Cumberland pub; smug self-satisfaction that you’ve got there by your own honest toil won’t count for much if you find yourself swept under the wheels of a four-door family hatchback. Henley is a delightful little place, and although there are no buildings of great importance, the array of cottages on the hillside makes a picturesque sight indeed. Among the finest buildings in the village is the next pub on the walk, the Duke Of Cumberland, a stone-built cottage covered with wisteria. The pub has a large garden rich in vegetation including lilacs and willows, and there is a stream and a pond full of trout. From the garden there are beautiful views northwards to Black Down.

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