The Ice Box US Map & Phone & Address

The Ice Box US Map & Phone & Address

• 3892 Washington St, Roslindale (617) 524-6852 Here’s a unique concept in the bottled water biz. Any time of day or night, you can stroll up to this ordinary-looking building, put an empty jug under a spout pop a quarter in, and get a gallon of fresh spring water. That’s it This is about one-third the price of fancy gallons in stores; and besides, it’s more fun.

The Ice Box US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

Because this warehouse is not exactly in the nicest area of town, and because the taps run 24 hours a day, the premises are monitored by security cameras. The water itself is trucked in daily from a state-run spring out in Millis. Meanwhile, you can also get ice here for your next party: A five-pound bag is just $1.25. Ask one of the guys on the loading dock (they’re friendly). The ice part is only open from May through September, weekdays from 7 am. to 5 RM. Fridays and Saturdays til 6, and Sundays from 7-3.

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