Top 10 best countries to visit







TRAVELING FROM NORTH AMERICA. Travel Avenue (®800-333-3335; www.trave- searches for the best available published fares and then uses sev eral consolidators to attempt to beat that fare. NOW Voyager, 74 Varick St. Ste. 307, New York, NY 10013 (® 212-431-1616; arranges discounted flights, mostly from New York, to Barcelona, London, Madrid, Milan, Paris, and Rome. Other consolidators worth trying are Pennsylvania Travel (®877- 251-6866;, Rebel (® 800-227-3235;, and Cheap Tickets (® 800-377-1000; Yet more consolidators on the web include the Internet Travel Network (, (, and TravelHUB (

TRAVELING FROM THE UK, AUSTRALIA, AND NEW ZEALAND. In the UK, the Air Travel Advisory Bureau (®020 7636 5000; has the names of reliable consolidators and discount flight specialists. From Australia and New Zealand, look for consolidator ads in the travel section of the Sydney Morning Herald.


Charters are flights a tour operator contracts with an airline to fly extra loads of passengers during peak season. Charter flights fly less frequently than major air lines, make refunds particularly difficult, and are almost always fully booked. Schedules and itineraries may also change or be cancelled at the last moment (as late as 48 hours before the trip, and without a full refund), and check-in, boarding, and baggage claim are often pretty slow. However, they can also be cheaper.

Although flame and this weapon should not ever be in close proximity, it was absolutely necessary to have a ready nearby source of fire to relight the match, should it go out. In addition, it was extremely difficult to keep the match burning on wet or very windy days. Top 10 best countries to visit Usually, such weather conditions would render the matchlock totally useless, except as an awkward club. The final major drawback was that, during the hours of darkness, a lighted match could literally be a dead giveaway to any observant opponent. The only real advantage, in fact, of the matchlock was that when its shot hit its target, the damage would be awesome. Around 1520, a much safer and reliable system of ignition, known as the wheel lock, was developed. Only fifty years later, the snaphaunce (an early flintlock, snaphaunce is a Dutch term meaning snapping cock) was created, and, after 1600, other primitive flintlocks began to appear. But it was not until about 1720 that the wheel lock really started to replace the matchlock in the colonies.

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