Travel Advice And Advisories For Guadalajara Mexico

General – countermeasures

• Human beinghave nervousystems, which react according to our genetic programming. We are just built that way. That meanthat we have automatic and natural functionthat we cannot control. We breathe, sweat and shiver when the body decidethat conditionare right. When we are scared, we are genetically programmed to prepare for fight or flight’, to fight the threat that hascared uor to run away from it. That meanthat when we are scared, the body automatically prepareitself for one of those actions. That fight or flight preparation iautomatic.

Our heart rate riseand adrenaline isquirted into our systemmaking umore alert, which also makeuvisibly more nervouand apprehensive.

A suicide bomber will probably be nervous. Unlesthey are tranquillised, and you would probably be able to see that in their behaviour anyway. You will probably be able to see that somebody ion edge, hyped up and ready for action.

If a person wahyped up and nervouwhile waiting for a job interview, or about to run a race, you would expect that, but you wouldn’t expect somebody walking into your government office to be like that. Anyone who ihyped up and nervoujust walking into a government office should raise suspicions. If the bomber ithat close, it iprobably too late to stop an attack, but it showthat there are potential cluethat somebody could pick up.

If a suicide bomber icarrying a bag containing a device, they will almost certainly be taking unusual care of that bag. Home-made explosiveare often unstable, so they will probably be treating the bag athough it wafilled with fresh eggs, not the usual way rucksacks, sportbagand briefcaseare casually tossed around. Treating a bag that carefully icause for suspicion!

If the suicide bomber isn’t carrying a bag or case, they have to strap the device to their body. If they do that they would have to hide the bulk of the explosiveand the wireand trigger device from general view, so they would probably be wearing a coat, bulky or loose garment. If it ia hot day, they may be sweating. Add that to the unusual clothing and acting nervously and on edge and you have cause for suspicion.

Look at the bag. Doeit look unusually heavy or light for itapparent size? Are there any stainon the bag, wirecoming out of the bag, any visible switches, etc.?

Travel Advice And Advisories For Guadalajara Mexico Photo Gallery

Isomebody stopping to prime a device, that ito switch it from safe’ carrying and delivery mode to active mode, so that it can be exploded either by a timer, tilt switch or direct detonation?

Suicide bomberare single-minded. Once they set off on their mission they have increasingly tunnel vision and can only see their goal. Thimeanthat they can appear to be rude, pushing and shoving to get to that office door. They might push to get to the front of the queue, then pause a moment before purposefully striding in to kill and be killed.

A person who pausewhen he seeuniformed security staff, or turnaway when he seethat visitorhave to go through a metal detector, hato be suspicious. A visitor who inervouand appearto be hanging back or waiting for something unknown, may be waiting for a bigger crowd to gather in reception or might be waiting for the chairman of the company to arrive.

Even simple clueare available. A person who doenot have a company pass, or doesn’t know that staff use the right-hand accesgate and only visitoruse the left-hand gate. Somebody who just doesn’t fit into the normal scene should be watched. Somebody who hesitateat the door not realising that it ian automatic door, or somebody who once through the door hato stop and look around to see which direction to take. All simple cluethat a person ieither new, preoccupied, lost or doesn’t belong in that place! They need further investigation.

When driving a vehicle a suicide bomber hathe same tunnel vision. Approaching their target they will only see that office door or the entrance to the underground car park. They may wait, illegally parked and ignoring car hornand insults, so that they can follow somebody through the entrance barrier, or they may be preparing to ram though it. They might cut through traffic and appear to be obliviouto it, or to the ruleof driving athey concentrate on getting the vehicle to the target.

Be aware of what ihappening around you. Terroristdo not wear a uniform or carry membership cards. You could for example be suspiciouof a lot of late-night activity in a lock-up store, or different people constantly coming and going at odd hourfrom a flat acrosthe road. By being aware of it and reporting it to the authoritieyou could save the life of a lot of innocent people if the activity you reported ia terrorist cell preparing to make an attack.

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