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INTERIOR. Over the high choir is the fine domed octagon, in richly decorated Gothic. St Olav’s Spring, probably a factor in determining the site ofthe earliest church here, can be seen from the ambulatory. Adjoining the high choir is the aisled long choir (26 m 85 ft long), with a beautiful font based on fragments of an earlier one. The S lateral chapel in the Romanesque transept was dedicated in 1161. The aisled nave, almost completely rebuilt, is 42 5 m (140 ft) long and 20 m (65 ft) wide, with 14 pillars supporting the vaulted roof. The large organ, under the rose window, was made by Steinmeyer of Ottingen in S Germany (1930). Finestained glass by Gabriel Kiel land (1913-34).

Tothe E and SE ofthe Cathedral is the old churchyard. SW of the Cathedral the former Archbishop’s Palace (Erkebis-pegSrd), a medieval building now houses a collection of weapons and the Museum of the Resistance (1940-5). NW of the Cathedral, in Bispegata, is the art gallery of the Kunstforening (Art Union), which from time to time puts on special exhibitions. Across the Elgeseter Bridge over the Nidelv, immediately SW of the Archbishop’s Palace, and left along Hog-skolevei, is the College of Technology (Teknisk Hegskole), founded in 1900. From the Bybru, to the NE of the Cathedral, is an attractive view of the old warehouses on the banks of the Nidelv.

N of the Market Square, in Munkegata (on right), Travel service Scandinavia matkat stands the Stiftsgard, a large yellow wooden mansion (c. 1770); the king stayed here when visiting Trondheim. In Kongensgata, to the E of the Market Square, stands Vor Frue Kirke, the Church of Our Lady (13th and 16th17th c.). In the gardens adjoining the church is a small bronze statue of the Norwegian naval hero Tordenskjold, born in Trondheim in 1 691. It is a replica ofthe original statue by H. W. Bissen in Copenhagen.

SW of the Market Square, at No. 47B Erling Skakesgate, is the headquarters of the Royal Society of Sciences (Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab), with a fine library (old manuscripts) and a variety of excellent collections (bird diorama; botany, mineralogy, zoology; church art; antiquities). To the W, at the end of Kongensgata, we come to the llenkirke, built of bluish quartz sandstone, and to the S of this, over a bridge, the Nidaro Hall (sports, etc.).

Trondheim, with the Nidelv The oldest port installations are those atthe mouth ofthe Nidelv. Along the 0vre Elvehavn, which extends N from the

Bybru, are a series of old wooden warehouses, built on piles. The Kanalhavn runs between the main part of the town and the station to the N. Beyond the railway is the Ytre Basseng, with the dock used bythe ships of the Hurtigrute’’. At No. 6 Fjordgata is a Seafaring Museum.

To the E of the town, reached by way of the Bybru and the Bakklandet district, is the small 17th c. fortress of Kristiansten (alt. 72 m (236 ft); open to the public from

4 to 6 p.m. in summer); there is a fine view of the town (seen at its best in the morning). On a hill to the SW of the town, once occupied by the castle of Sverresborg built by King Sverrir (1177-1202), is the Folk Museum (Folkemuseet), an open-air museum with old buildings from the Trondheim area. To the NW of the town, on the shores of the fjord, is the Biological Research Station, with an aquarium large maritime laboratory.

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