Travel through Scandinavia

From the SE side of the island of TSsinge a causeway and a bridge (1 962:1700 m (1850 yds) long, the third longest in Denmark) lead by way of the little islet of Sie to the island of Langeland in the Great Belt (area 184 sq. km (71 sq. miles); 52 km (32 miles) long, 3-11 km (2-7 miles) across: noted for its magnificent beech trees), which attracts many visitors. Its main town is Rudkobing, on the W coast (pop. 7000; Langeland Hotel, 58 Skandinavien, 15 youth hostel; camp site), which has an interesting church, the oldest part of which is late Romanesque (c. 1100; tower 1621), and many old houses and streets.

Langeland Museum has a notable Viking grave. From Bagenkop, at the S end of the island (Bagenkop Kro, 12 two camp sites), Travel through Scandinavia there is a ferry service to Kiel in Germany (2 hours), and from Lohals, at the N end, boats leave for Korsor (11 hours). From Spodsbjerg on the E coast there is a ferry (45 minutes) to the island of Lotland, from which one can drive via Nakskov, Maribo, Vordingborg and K0ge to Copenhagen.

From Svendborg there are ferry services (1 hours) to the island of Ero (area 88 sq. km 34 sq. miles), SW of the town in the Little Belt. Travel through Scandinavia On the N coast is troskobing (pop. 490; Erohus Hotel, 66 Phonix, 1 5 campsite and resort), an old-world little place with thirty-six 17th and 18th c. houses protected as ancient monuments, and a shipping museum (750 ship models and ships in bottles). 13 km (8 miles) from Eroskobing, on the E coast lies the busy port and fishing town of Marstal (pop. 4000; Ero Hotel, 63 Danmark, 22 youth hotels; camp site). Museum (100 ship models); church of 1737 (tower 1 920); 17th c. houses.

A causeway to the E of the Svendborg bridge leads on to the island of Thuro (Rogeriet Hotel, no rest. 27 camp sites), which offers excellent swimming.

The fast motorway from Svendborg to Nyborg is the A9 which leaves from the E side ofthe town running N to Kvaerudrup where it joins the A8 (FSborg-Nyborg), but the scenic coastal road is much more attractive and affords scope fora variety of pleasant detours. In 12 km (7J miles) a minor road branches off on the right (4 km 2 miles) to the seaside resort of Lundeborg, and in another 2 km (1i miles) a road (1 5 km-1 mile) leads to the manor-house of Hesselagergard (1538: no admission). 6 km (4 miles) beyond this, at the village of Langa, a side road on the left of the main road leads (2 km 1J miles) to the 16th c. manor-house of Rygard, built on piles. 1 km (J mile) N of Langci another road on the left leads to still another 1 6th c. manor-house, Glorup, in a beautiful park of 1 5 hectares (40 acres) (open Sundays and Thursdays). 11 km (7 miles) farther on, to the right of the main road, stands the Renaissance mansion of Holckenhavn (1 580-1 630), with a richly appointed chapel. The park (12 hectares 30 acres) is open to the public on Tuesdays and Saturdays. In another 3 km (2 miles) the road comes to Nyborg (pop. 18,000: Hesselet Hotel, 86 SB; Nyborg Strand, 400 Nyborg, 90 two camp sites), a finely situated port town on the Great Belt channel which was a royal capital from 1200 to 1430. The royal castle was built in the 12th c. to control the Great Belt (restored 1917-23), and has imposing defences. Other features of interest in the town are a 1 5th c. Gothic church and the Landport, an old town gate (1 666). From Nyborg it is another 4-5 km (3 miles) to Knudshoved, from which a ferry (50 minutes) crosses the Great Belt to Halsskov on Zealand.

From Odense there is a choice between the direct road to Nyborg and Knudshoved (29 and 33-5 km 18 and 21 miles) and the road via Kerteminde, 12 km (7i miles) longer. For the first 9 km (6 miles) the two routes coincide (A1); then the road to Kerteminde forks left off the main road, which continues to Nyborg. 9 km (6 miles) along the Kertminde road is the village of Ladby, 1 5 km (1 mile) N of which (signposted Ladbyskibet) is the Ladby Ship, a Viking ship 22 m (72 ft) long which was discovered here in 1935 and is now displayed in a museum specially built to house it. 5 km (3 miles) farther on we come to Kerteminde (pop. 10,000; Tornoes Hotel, 27 Dosser-ingen, 10 youth hostel; two camp sites), an old fishing port beautifully situated in Kerteminde Bay with many old houses; Municipal Museum, in a half-timbered house of 1 630; church, thought to date from about 1200. An interesting excursion can be made to the Hindsholm peninsula, which has a somewhat harsher climate than the rest of Funen. Beautiful scenery, at first hilly, then falling away to the flat northern tip ofthe peninsula, Fyns Hoved. The road ends in 1 6 km (1 0 miles) at the village of Nordskov; beautiful beaches.

From Kerteminde a road runs SE, skirting the bay, Travel through Scandinavia and then turns inland to Avnslev (1 3 km 8 miles), where it joins A1: turn left for Nyborg. In another 3 km (2 miles) the motorway goes off on the left and skirts the N side of the town to Knudshoved (8-5 km 5 miles).

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