Travel to Scandinavia and st. petersburg

STAVE CHURCHES surviving complete or in part Nordic traditions with modern styles. The new central city around the Hotorg and Sergeis Torg, developed since 1 950, is a showpiece of contemporary Swedish architecture.

Museums, Galleries and Other Sights

Times of Opening

Most museums, etc. are closed on the following public holidays: 1 and 6 January, Good Friday, Easter (two days), 1 May, Ascension (fortieth day after Easter Holy Thursday), Whitsun (seventh Sunday and Monday after Easter), Midsummer (the Saturday nearest 21 June), All Saints Day (1 November) and Christmas (two days).

For information about special events and changes in opening times, consult the Museinyckeln (Key to Museums”) column in the Saturday editions of the newspapers Dagens Nyheter” and Svenska Dag-bladet”.

Travel to Scandinavia and st. petersburg Photo Gallery

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