Travel to Scandinavia in june

Customs regulations The customs requirements of Norway, Sweden and Finland are about the same, as a result of their membership of the Nordic Passport and Customs Union. Denmark, in addition to being a member of that Union, isalsoa member ofthe EEC.

Personal effects and vacation equipment can be temporarily imported without payment of duty. Special regulations apply tothe importation of sporting guns, the importation and use of portable radio transmitters and the export of works of art: for information, apply to the national tourist organisation of the country concerned.

Duty-Free Allowances for visitors from Europe

Country Alcohol Tobacco Other goods

Denmark 12 litres spirits or 3 litres sparkling wine, plus 3 litres wine (minimum age 17) 300 cigarettes or 1 50 cigarillos or 75 cigars or 400 grammes tobacco (minimum age 17) maximum value 1400 Dkr.

Norway 1 litre wine, § litre spirits and 2 litres beer, or 2 litres wine and 2 litres beer (minimum age 20) 200 cigarettes or 250 grammes of other tobacco goods (minimum age 16) maximum value 700 Nkr.

Sweden 1 litre wine, 1 litre spirits and 2 litres beer, or 2 litres wine and 2 litres beer (minimum age 20) 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 grammes tobacco (minimum age 1 5) maximum value 600 Skr.

Finland 1 litre wine and 2 litres beer (minimum age 1 8) plus 1 litre spirits (minimum age 20) 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 grammes tobacco (minimum age 1 6) maximum value 500 Fmk.

Postal rates

In Finland, visitors can have their mail addressed to the Finland Travel Bureau in Helsinki, where it can be picked up between 8.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The service is free. Letters should be addressed as follows:


Monetary unit: Finnish mark (markka: Fmk.) of 1 00 pennia.

Banknotes: 1, 5,1 0, 50,1 00 and 500 mk. Coins: 1, 5,10, 20 and 50 pennia; 1, 5,1 0, 20, 50,100 and 200 mk.

It is advisable to take money in the form of travellers’ checks and a credit card. Major credit cards are widely accepted.

British visitors who have a current account with the National Girobank can cash postcheques at all post offices in Denmark, certain post offices in Norway and Sweden, and branches of the Post Office Savings Bank (Posttipankki) and certain post offices in Finland.

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