Backpacking is permitted on the northern 31-mile portion of the 60-mile Tunxis Trail in north-central Connecticut, leading from near Burlington to the Massachusetts border. It’s hilly, scenic, and often wild along the way.

The trail passes through 1,200-acre Nepaug State Forest and 8,600-acre Tunxis State Forest, with hardwood trees as well as some conifers, and offers nice views from open ledges at elevations as high as 1,000 feet.

Camping Regulations: Three backpack camping areas or camping zones are located by the trail, and camping is limited to these areas. A permit must be obtained in advance by mail, and the request should be sent at least two weeks in advance


Trail Tunxis Trail to: D.E.P. Western District Office, Plymouth Road, RFD #4, Harwinton, CT 06791. It’s necessary to specify dates and where you want to camp each night. Pets are not allowed in camping areas.

For Further Information: Connecticut Forest and Park Association, 16 Meriden Road, Middletown, CT 06457.

TUNXIS TRAIL Photo Gallery

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