Freeport Arts Center

Guided Tours; Lectures: Performances; Permanent Exhibits: Readings.

Publications: catalogues; newsletter. “Sketches” (bi-monthly).

The Center offers six permanent galleries (Antiquities, European, Native American, Asian, Ethnographic, and Contemporary) and two galleries presenting special exhibitions of the work of regional artists or theme shows.

Galesburg Civic Art Center

Publications: brochures: newsletter. “Artifacts” (quarterly).

The Center hosts in its main gallery ten to twelve exhibitions annually of contemporary work by regionally and nationally known artists. Its permanent collection of over 350 pieces focuses primarily on the work of 20th-century regional artists.

Freeport Arts Center Photo Gallery

College of DuPage – Gahlberg Gallery, Arts Center

Publications: brochures; exhibition catalogues.

The Gallery presents eight to ten changing exhibitions per year of both contemporary and historical art. arranged by both in-house and guest curators.

Grayslake College of Lake County – Community Gallery of Art

Activities: Guided Tours: Temporary Exhibitions.

Publications: brochures for exhibitions.

The Gallery mounts temporary exhibitions of student work as well as that of professional artists with regional, national, and international reputations.

Nicholas Sistler, Still Life With Venus, 1996. gouache on paper, 2.5 x 3.5 inches. Exhibited at Gahlberg Gallery Aits Center, 1997. Photograph courtesy of Gahlberg Gallery, College of DuPage. Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

Henry J. Darger. Untitled, watercolor (two-sided), 19 x 47 inches. Shure Family Collection, exhibited at College of Lake County. Community Gallery of Art. 1998. Photograph by Bill Kniest. courtesy of College of Lake County, Community Gallery of Art, Grayslake, Illinois.

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