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Stendhal From Raleigh

Marie-Henri Beyle, best known by his pen name Stendhal (said to be an homage to German art historian and archaeologist Johann Joachim Winckelmann from Stendal, Germany), was a French writer who lived much of his life in Italy. Stendhal was one of the first developers and proponents of realism in writing. His writing style is most noted for its in-depth depiction of the psychological aspects of his characters. Stendhal was a bon vivant, dandy and inveterate womanizer. Despite his proclivities, many women spoke highly of him because of his empathy for women. Indeed, his most well known book is the nonfiction work De I’amour (On Love), published in 1822. Stendhal even parsed out the process of the birth and development of love (admiration, acknowledgement, hope and delight) and gave it a name: crystallization. His love was not just for women. It was also for places. When he first went to Santa Croce in Florence, he was so excited that his heart raced, and his knees grew weak, thinking he would collapse. In 1979 an Italian psychiatrist observed similar symptoms in many people who go to Florence for the first time and named the condition Stendhal syndrome. Alas, Stendhal’s obsession with sexual conquests became the death of him, but indirectly. Modern-day doctors say that the treatments he was taking for syphilis (iodide of potassium and mercury) more likely killed him than the disease.

This list of English land grants in the new colony of South Carolina begins in 1674 with 1,070 acres for Lady Margaret Yeamans, wife of the governor. Raleigh Metro Map(New York Public Library, New York) It was established that Shaftesbury and a handful of elites would govern South Carolina as lords proprietors. As it turns out, however, the actual English settlement of South Carolina did not resemble the orderly structure laid out in the Fundamental Constitutions. South Carolina quickly attracted disaffected gentry from other parts of the empire, most notably Barbados. Shaftesbury’s plan called for town-based settlement to avoid the chaos and violence that marred Virginia’s early years, but planters snapped up as much riverfront property as they could afford. Traders began to exploit divisions between coastal tribes, taking native slaves, arming some tribes against others, and generally increasing the native peoples’ dependence on European tools and trade goods. The end of the seventeenth century witnessed the demise of several coastal tribes. Some native Carolinians displaced by the English sought refuge with the Spanish at St. Augustine or with the Creek and Cherokee. Others remained close to the English at Charles Town for protection.

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