Kang Tai Wu Le Cheng bus stops CHE GONG MIAO EAT STREET This is a terrific little eat street right at the Che Gong Miao Metro station on the south side of Shennan Avenue near the Tian An Cyber City. You can get just about any kind of

Chinese regional cooking that you can imagine. We note Northern, Jiangxi, Hunan, Zhejiang, just to name a few. We know of one restaurant specialising in Lanzhou noodles with a good working class clientele and terrifying noodles with copious amounts of raw garlic and lethal looking chilies floating in it. There are even a couple of western restaurants in hotels and the ubiquitous Rainbow Cafe. There’s also a Supersteak here. Just down the road is Prestige Cuisine serving Cantonese food of consistently good quality in excellent surroundings at reasonable prices. I know we said Cantonese, but try their Peking duck.

Our favourite is a Taiwanese snack restaurant called Jia Le Lu. It involves taking a tray with a plate of rice and spooning onto it your choice from a cornucopia of Taiwanese dishes. Be quick. It fills up rapidly after about 11.45 a.m. It’s in an office area so it’s very busy at lunchtime.

For something a bit different try Macao and Portugal Street Restaurant 2/F, Tian An Digital Plaza, 0755 8347 5052. It claims to serve Portuguese and Macanese food. It’s not very authentic but it’s tasty and the service is good.

On the other side of Shennan Ave through the Che Gong Miao Metro Station is Shenzhen’s first luxury residential development East Pacific Gardens. This is Shenzhen’s Korea Town, or Little Seoul. Shenzhen has an unjustified reputation for not having a large resident foreign population. Actually there are tens of thousands of foreign residents but most of them are Korean and this is one of the places they live and eat. There are several excellent home cooking style Korean restaurants clustered around this area. Two, the Hanguo Huiguan Korean Hanguk Huiguan and Ming Dong Dao Mian Korean Myongdung K’alguksu are in the thirty storey Fortune Plaza Building built over the Chegong Miao Station and one, the Ming Jia Korean Myong Ga is in the East Pacific Boulevard. East Pacific Boulevard is a pleasant pedestrian plaza in the East Pacific Gardens luxury apartment complex. This is where you should go for lots of Korean barbecue and kimchi.

Jiaozi Ying, Fortune Plaza, 0755 33334 0655 has good jiaozi and Heilongjiang food.


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