Camrose Railway Station and Station Tea Room

Camrose Railway Station and Station Tea Room

Location: 4407-47th Avenue, Camrose.

Info: The Camrose Railway Station is open from the Victoria Day weekend to the last Saturday in August, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or by appointment year-round. Guided and self-guided tours are available and many seasonal celebrations are scheduled each season.

On Saturdays in July and August, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. visitors can enjoy a menu of homemade desserts and goodies in the Station Tea Room or book a Saturday Victorian Tea. The rest of the time, self-serve beverages and refreshments are available. 780-672-3099.

The Camrose Railway Station and Station Tea Room are part of the park system and are in the centre of Camrose’s university heritage district. The 1911 Canadian Northern Railway station is surrounded by 13 historical and distinctive public gardens. The Morgan Garden Railway features twin tracks for running G scale trains within model historical buildings and gardens. The Children’s Secret Garden is home to a large wooden creative play train, while the Victory Garden commemorates the contribution local citizens made to the war efforts during World Wars I and II. The Camrose Railway Station houses several excellent railway collections, including a track car collection.

Camrose Railway Station and Station Tea Room Photo Gallery

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