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Tettegouch State Park

After passing the Conservancy Pines, the trail descends near the south end of Mic Mac Lake to a trail intersection where the route turns north for Tettegouche Camp, the site of the Alger-Smith logging camp. You may want to take some time to wander around the camp and perhaps rest on the lake shore, but be aware that the cabins may be occupied.

From the camp, the route continues north along the west side of Mic Mac Lake. An interesting feature to look for on this portion of the hike is the rock cliffs where the trail crosses Mosquito Creek. Beyond Mosquito Creek, the trail passes Nipisiquit Lake. A spur trail to a campsite provides an access route to the lake. At the north end of Nipisiquit, the route turns east and ascends Papasay Ridge where there is an overlook to the northeast of an open bog with a stream meandering through it, and of the Sawtooth Mountains in the distance.

Near the east end of Nipisiquit Lake, the route turns southward for the trailhead. Aspen and birch grow in dense stands along the trailideal habitat for ruffed grouse. The female brings her brood of young chicks to such stands for the protection they provide against predators. Here the birds search the ground for insects and earthworms in relative security. If a potential predator threatens the brood, the hen may try to bluff the enemy with a show of force accompanied by loud cries of alarm that send the young scurrying for cover. Then the hen usually acts injured, luring the would-be predator away from the chicks. Such a display seems out of character for a bird that has been called the Fool Hen. It earned this name during early settlement years when the bird did not yet know that it should fear people.

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