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Viva’s medical director, Dr Harald Stossier, wants to make one thing clear: ‘Weight loss is not the goal of Viva Mayr’s gut-cleansing programmes. It just happens,’ he says. But, heck, you’d be hard-pressed to find any kind of diet that has quite these kinds of de-bloating results. Set in a large, chalet-style building (scenes from the James Bond film Spectre were shot here), with sweeping views out to Lake Altaussee, the personalised week-long detox programmes change both the way you think about food and how you actually eat.

Where is Altaussee Austria? | Map of Altaussee Austria | Altaussee Austria Map for Free Download and Prin Photo Gallery

Swap your usual Pret sandwiches for spelt rolls (chewed 40 times to start proper digestion), fluffy vegetable mousses and light broths (there’s a no-raw-after-4pm rule). Everyone also has to glug back gallons of bitter salts, the clinic’s famous acid-busting powders that work a bit like drain cleaner to spring clean your gut. Indeed, salt is a theme here; there are saline salt chambers that mimic the effects of walking on a beach to clear lungs, salt saunas, a large saltwater swimming pool and Watsu water massage in a salt tub.

To help keep you on the straight and narrow back home, the Viva empire has a new Harley Street outpost, for fine tuning and check-ups between visits, food-intolerance testing and intravenous vitamin infusions. OA Comfort Room costs from approx £158 per person, per night*. Medical check-ups at the Viva Mayr London Clinic cost from £170; vivamayr.com

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