Atlanta Map

History for Atlanta Map
Augustine’s letters are an important source for information on Bonifacius’s life Ep. 220, on the compatibility between military and Christian life Ep. 189, on military and administrative activity Ep. 185 A; 17, and on Bonifacius’s works in favor of the church of Hippo Ep. 7. Augustine himself wrote the De correctione Donatistarum liber = Ep. 185; Retr. II, 48, addressed to Bonifacius in ca. 417, when the latter had reassumed the position of tribune of Numidia.

Atlanta Map An anonymous Cadurci, cantor of the comes Africae Bonifacius, wrote a panegyric reported by Sidonius Apollinarius Carm. IX, 289- 295; Consolino, 183. Augustine, Ep. 185, 185 A, 189, 220, 7 and 17; Sidon. Apoll. Carmina IX, 279-280 PL 58, 702; Prosper Aquit. Chronicon 1294 MGH 9, 471-472; Procopius, Bell. Vandal. 1,3 ed. G. Wirth, 317-324; DHGE IX, 924-931; PLRE II, B. 3, 237-240; PCBE I, B. 13, 152-155; R. Gentili, La rivalit  tra Ezio, Felice e Bonifacio e l’invasione dei Vandali nell’Africa, in Il mondo classico, 1955, 363ff.; J.B. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire, I, London 1923, 196, 223, 243-247; H.J. Diesner, Die Laufbahn des Comes Africae Bonifatius und seine Beziehungen zu Augustinus, in Kirche und Staat im sp¤trmischen Reich, Berlin 1963, 100-126; Id. Forschungen und Forschritte, t. 35, 281 with ample bibl.; A. Lippold, Der Kleine Pauly Lexikon der Antike I, Stuttgart 1964, 926-927; O. Seeck, Pauly Real-Encyclop¤die der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft 5, III, 1, 698-699; Id. Geschichte des Untergangs der Antiken Welt, VI, Stuttgart 1966, 54, 89-90, 105-117; V. Paronetto, Nota sulla datazione dell’epistolario agostiniano Ep. 220; 229; 230; 231: Augustinianum 14 1974 363- 367; R. Delmaire, Contribution des nouvelles lettres de saint Augustin   la prosopographie du Bas-Empire romain, in Les lettres de saint Augustin d©couvertes par Johannes Divjak, Paris 1983, 83-86; G. Zecchini, Aezio: l’ultima difesa dell’Occidente romano, Rome 1983, 141-165; F.E. Consolino, Poesia e propaganda da Valentiniano III ai regni romanobarbarici secc. V-VI, in Letteratura e propaganda nell’Occidente latino da Augusto ai regni romanobarbarici, Rome 2000, 183-184.

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