Best travel destinations China

And beyond it all, the icy peaks and glaciers. Best travel destinations China The river grew steeper but because it wasn’t in flood, it poured evenly over ledges and Best travel destinations China down over boulder obstacles in fairly gentle chutes. The canoe bucked its way through them, but at one chute I hit a boulder at the wrong angle. Suddenly we tipped sideways. I shoved my paddle-blade against another rock to push myself upright, the blade slipped and, dropping the paddle I reached out to fend us off by hand. It worked, but the paddle was gone.

We would be joining Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society (UPPRS), for this investigation. UPPRS is a well-known group in the Mid West and a TAPS family member. Its founder and field director is Tim Ellis. Upon arrival, Tim introduced us to Brad Blair, historian and lead investigator as well as the other team members, Lance, Matt, Michelle and Ryan. They were already busy unpacking equipment.

Entering the keeper’s quarters, we found ourselves in a small parlor, surrounded by the past. An antique piano sat against one wall, covered with a collection of photographs of past light keepers and their families.

Three ladies sat in the room chatting. One of them stood to greet us, introducing herself as Marilyn Fischer, President of the Gulliver Historical Society. Joining her was Shirley Wardwell, Vice President of the Historical Society and Polly Merrell, lighthouse tour guide.

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