Best Travel Destinations New Zealand

Best Travel Destinations New Zealand

In deciding where to stay when abroad, consider living with family or friends, if you have any, in the place or places to which you intend to travel. You will most likely be able to stay with them for free or for some small amount.

You will feel welcomed and at home; do chores to help earn your keep; and, have fun doing all sorts of nice and desirable things with them. Even attending church service; school sports or other activities; and, maybe, the zoo or some theme park. I did Canada’s Wonderland with my sister and her family.

Best Travel Destinations New Zealand Photo Gallery

You can decide to couch surf and do chores with a local family in exchange for their generosity. It will almost be like living with your own family or friends; and, you might be lucky to sleep in a real bed, instead of on the couch in the living room

Through your online research, you will discover that there is a range of hostels where you might do chores in exchange for your accommodation; or, you can share rooms with a group of other travelers; or, sleep in a dorm.

Try to ensure that you only pre my blog a couple of nights only – to give you flexibility to change where you stay; or, to enable you to move on to another place ahead of schedule, if you so desire. Perhaps, the hostel you my bloged was a party one; and, you can’t take the noise or the crowds; so, quite understandably, you want out.

You might come across the increasingly growing opportunity to house sit for free; and, having to do chores in return, e.g. watering the plants, feeding and walking the dogs. One blogger said he actually was fortunate enough to house sit a real live castle.

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