Best Vacation South America

Until we reach Sunset Lake – to find buffalo poop, but no buffaloand a sunset that seems to want to hide below condensing steam. So after a discussion about how much colder and wetter everyone was willing to get, a motion was made, followed by unanimous vote, to reduce the side trips down a little and answer the call of the small bladders amongst us – Off to the Old Faithful complex. (For the record, 14 minutes car door open to car door closed at Black Sands – not that I’m trying to rush you, but it’s now 12:44PMand getting colder.)

Best Vacation South America Photo Gallery

Yellow Stone National Park’s Piece de Resistance – which is French for, Hurry up and wait in the rain afer visiting our gift shop, located to your right.

Old Faithful steams in the increasing rain and low fifties, building up for show time (which be sure you note the range so you’re not caught in the back forty when it blows, unless that’s the angle you want to capture). Take the extra minute before to scout out your prime location remembering it will get quite crowded at the prescribed eruption time.

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