Buffalo Metro Map

Buffalo Metro Map to US


626 S. Main St. 336/779-6140, www.oldsalem. org

HOURS: Tues.-Sat. 9:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Sun. 1-4:30 P.M.

COST: $10 adults, $5 children 6-16

A collection of marbles, puzzles, dolls, cars, and games dating back to A.D. 225 are part of the impressive exhibits at the Old Salem Toy Museum. The collection features 1,200 antique toys from Europe and the United States, including miniature bronze firearms dating back to 1585 that archaeologists dredged from the Thames River in London. The museum also houses a special collection of toys that were popular with children from Moravian settlements, several of which were made by Moravian craftsman living in Old Salem. Founders Thomas Gray and Anne Pepper Gray started the museum in 1950. It’s located inside the Frank L. Horton Museum Center in Old Salem

History for Buffalo Metro Map
Port-au-Prince has recorded temperature extremes of 100°F Buffalo Metro Map (37.7°C) and 61°F (16.1°C). Elevation, of course, plays Buffalo Metro Map an important role in determining temperatures, with highland areas being considerably cooler and more pleasant. The importance of elevation is illustrated by temperatures in Port-au-Prince, located near sea level, and the town of Kenscoff, perched at about 4,700 feet (1,433 m) above sea level. The capital has an annual average of 79°F (26°C), whereas the highland village averages about 60°F (15.

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