Wien-West, Huttelbergstr. 80 (914 23 14). Take U4 to Hutteldorf, then bus #14B or 152 (dir.: Campingpl.) to Wien West. Crowded but clean. 8km from the city center. Hikes go through the Vienna Forest. Laundry, groceries, and cooking facilities. Recep tion daily 7:30am-9:30pm. Open Apr.-Oct. 5-6 per person, 3 per tent.

Aktiv Camping Neue Donau, XXII, Am Kleehaufel 119 (202 40 10), is 4km from the city center and adjacent to Neue Donau beaches. Ill: Kaisermuhlen, then bus #91a to Kleehaufel. Boat and bike rentals. Laundry, supermarket, kitchen, and showers. Open mid-May to mid-Sept. 5.50 per person, 3 per tent.

Wien Siid, Breitenfurterstr. 269 (867 36 49). U6: Philadelphiabrucke, then bus #62A to Wien Siid. This former imperial park encompasses 25 sq. km of woods and mead ows. Laundry, cafe, playground, supermarket, and kitchen. July-Aug. 5 per person; May-June and Sept 3.50. 5 per person, 3 per tent. Camper 5, tent 3.

In 1822, Washington Irving said of Vienna: “Here the people think only of sensual gratifications.” Today, that still rings true. The Viennese don’t eat to live, they live to eat. Decadent pastries like Apfelstrudl, cheesecakes, tortes, Buchteln (warm cake with jam in the middle), Pcdatschinken, Krapfen, and Mohr im Hemd have all helped put Vienna on the culinary map. The restaurants near Karntnerstr. are expensive a cheaper area is the neighborhood north of the university, near the Votivkirche (U2: Schottentor), where Universitatsstr. and Wahringerstr. meet. Cafes with cheap meals also line Burggasse in district VI. The area radiating from the Rechte and Linke Wienzeile near Naschmarkt (U4: Kettenbriickeg.) has cheap restaurants. The Naschmarkt has the city’s biggest market, while Brunnenmarkt (U6: Josefstadterstr.) has a Turkish flair. Supermarket chains include Zielpunkt, Hofer, and Spar. Kosher groceries are available at the Kosher Supermarket, II, Hol- landstr. 10 (216 96 75).


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