Chaco Map

Centro Chaqueno para la Conservation e Investigation

Formerly known as the Proyecto Tagua, this research center is dedicated to the conservation of the Chacoan peccary (known as tagua in Spanish and Guarani.) The pens at Proyecto Tagua allow you to see three different species of peccaries up close. Signs by the pens provide a decent amount of information about the peccaries, so it is worth visiting even if the center’s director Juan Campos is not able to guide you himself. There is a newly built guest house with two dorm rooms and kitchen for visitors. The center’s location makes this an ideal place for nature enthusiasts who cannot afford guided trips into the Chaco (be sure to bring food supplies as the nearest stores are in Filadelfia). The center is also an excellent option for those interested in the Chaco War but without the time or money to visit Fortin Boqueron. Just to the left, of the center’s main gate is Fortin Toledo, a series of trenches from the Chaco War. Follow the path as it leads above and into the trenches and past a military cemetery. Tel: 0971 107 200 or Sr. Victor Robles at 0981 263 078 for reservations, at km 475 of the Trans Chaco highway turn left (if coming from Asuncion) and continue approximately nine kilometers following the signs to the center. If coming from the center of Filadelfia you can reach the Trans Chaco Highway by taking a left at the intersection of Avenida Hindenburg and Calle

Trebol, continuing down Calle Trebol past the Sanatorio Eirene about twenty-five kilometers. From here cross the Trans Chaco and continue as indicated above, Gs. 100,000 per person, fan, kitchen access Lodging

Hotel Florida The nicest and most centrally located of Filadelfia’s lodging options, the Hotel Filadelfia is popular with tourists and other visitors to the area. Taking a refreshing dip in the pool and grabbing a bite to eat in the courtyard under the shade of a large guava tree are excellent ways to take the edge off a hot and dusty day of sightseeing in the Chaco. Rooms on the high end are fancy, while basic rooms with shared bathrooms and fans instead of A/C are a good deal for those on a budget (reserve these early as they fill up fast). Tel 0491 432 151/5, Avda. Hindenburg Nr. 165-S across the street from the Fernheim Cooperative offices and the Jakob Unger Museum,, Single Gs. 145,000-200,000, Double Gs.

190,000-280,000, Triple Gs. 240,000-300,000, budget rooms Gs. 50,000-70,000 per person, breakfast not included with cheaper rooms but available for Gs. 23,000, TV, A/C, mini-fridge, fan, pool, Wi-Fi

Hotel Golondrina Centro Though lacking the ambience (and pool) of Hotel Florida, Hotel Golondrina Centro is a good second choice. Rooms are comfortable, and there are also cheaper options for those who want to forgo the comforts of a TV, mini-fridge or A/C (a money saver recommended for winter months only). Tel: 0491 432 218, Calle Industrial 149-E,, Single Gs. 90,000-120,000 w A/C, Double Gs. 145,000-195,000, Budget rooms with fan, shared bath and no breakfast: Single Gs. 55,000, Double Gs. 100,000, computer with internet, TV, A/C

Hotel Golondrina Avenida Located a few blocks from the center of town along the main drag, this hotel gets the job done with basic rooms at a low cost. Tel: 0491 432 643, 0491 433 111, Avenida Hindenburg 635-S,, Single Gs. 90,000-105,000 w A/C, Double Gs. 145,000-170,000, Budget rooms with fan, shared bath and no breakfast: Single Gs. 55,000, Double Gs. 100,000, computer with internet, TV, A/C

Hospedaje Los Delfines A run down budget option popular with area truckers and laborers. While rooms are inexpensive, you get what you pay for. However, this is the one place where you are more likely to meet average non-Mennonite Chaquenos. Some travelers may be willing to give up comforts for this unique cultural experience. Not recommended for solo female travelers. Tel: 0491 432 376, Corner of Unruh and Miller, Double Gs.35,000 shared bath and fan, Gs. 50,000 private bath and A/C

Hotel Touring Club Run by the Touring and Automobile Club this hotel is very modern and airy. Facilities include a restaurant, large pool, and covered grilling area (known as a quincho). Rooms are comfortable and well appointed. As this hotel is located along the Trans Chaco Highway before the entrance to Filadelfia, it is only a practical option for those in private vehicles. As with all area hotels, expect it to be packed to capacity during the Trans Chaco Rally. Tel: 0493 240 611,, km 443 Ruta Trans Chaco by the turn off to Filadelfia. Single Gs. 120,000, Double Gs. 160,000, Triple Gs. 240,000, TV, A/C, pool

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